An Open Apology to Samuel Flegal, Jeff Conway, and Kawa Kon: I - TopicsExpress


An Open Apology to Samuel Flegal, Jeff Conway, and Kawa Kon: I dropped the ball as your show host. I shared you as guests with folks in another sandbox. In that other sandbox, apparently guests of your caliber, credentials, and eminent qualifications are not valued. I thought that I had made my point earlier this week when I waxed a little preachy in my social media posts about the responsibilities of a show host to their guests, to generate online content with their guests that is useful to their guests marketing purposes for a long, long time. I used examples of folks who had been guests on the Old DragonTalk show who were reaping benefits literally for months and years from being interviewed on DragonTalk Radio just one night. Guests found that fans new and old found the interviews for a long time to come in the DragonTalk archive. Many guests used direct hyperlinks to their DragonTalk interviews in their marketing and on their websites. This translated into sales for them in many cases. Guests are the lifeblood of a talk show. Without you, there is no show. You are the buttered side of the bread. As my guests, I shared you in a sandbox where you werent adequately appreciated. Sam, youve got Legend of the Five Rings and Warhammer on your resume. Jeff, Kawa Kon and Katrina Elisabeth Panzer Lynn have been a force to be reckoned with on the St. Louis convention scene for years now. Kawa Kon is an established con many times over. You are HIGH quality guests whom any show that purports itself to be about the geek community should be honored to have. When the folks in the other sandbox decided that your interviews didnt fit the format of their website (which is their prerogative, since its their show and their website), I decided to honor my commitment to you by re-airing your interviews on The Dragon and Daughter Show. Apparently, that wont be possible. It would seem your interviews are lost just at the time Sams Kickstarter needs to kick into high gear. I talk a lot on the air about the DragonTalk family. Every guest whos ever been on the show is part of the family. One of the things good, healthy, functional family members do is take ownership of their screw-ups and apologize. I screwed up. I shared you as my guests in another sandbox in which you werent appreciated. If they dont appreciate guests of your caliber, one has to wonder what kind of guests it would take for them to appreciate. I will not be sharing any future interview material without an airtight, written contract brimming with protective clauses. Thats a promise.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:10:14 +0000

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