An apparatus for the production of colored rays for therapeutic - TopicsExpress


An apparatus for the production of colored rays for therapeutic purposes. C. Electro-arc, a special device for solarization by means of the arc light. (General Physics) a light source in which an arc between two electrodes, usually carbon, produces intense white illumination. definition of CHROMOLUME Harriet I mean, I dont understand completely- Billy Im not surprised. Harriet But he combines all these different trends. Billy Im not surprised. Harriet You cant divide art today Into categories neatly Billy Oh Harriet What matters is the means, not the ends Billy Im not surprised Both That is the state of the art, my dear, That is the state of the art. Greenburg Its not enough knowing good from rotten Redmond Youre telling me- Greenburg When something new pops up every day Redmond Youre telling me- Greenburg Its only new, though, for now- Redmond Nouveau Greenburg But yesterdays forgotten Redmond And tomorrow is already as passé Greenburg Theres no surprise Both That is the state of the art, my friend, That is the state of the art Betty Hes an original Alex Was... Naomi I like the images Alex Some Betty Come on You had your moment, Now its Georges turn- -------Voice Over Voice------- Alex, Betty, Naomi Its Georges turn? I wasnt talking turns, Dont you think hes original? Well, yes... Im talking art. Youre talking crap. But is it really new? Well, no... His own collaborator-! Its more than novelty. Well, yes... Its all promotion, but then- Its just impersonal, but- That is the state of the art, Isnt it? Well... ------End Voice Over Voice------ Billy Art isnt easy- Harriet Even when youve amassed it- Betty Fighting for prizes- Greenburg No one can be an oracle Redmond Art isnt easy Alex Suddenly- Youre past it Naomi All compromises- Harriet And then when its allegorical- All Art isnt easy- Any way you look at it. George All right, George As long as its your night, George... You know whats in the room, George. Another Chromolume, George. Its time to get to work... Greenburg (spoken) George, I want you to meet one of our board members. This is Harriet Pawling. Harriet (spoken) What a pleasure. And this is my friend, Billy Webster. Billy (spoken) How do you do. Greenburg (spoken) Well, Ill just leave you three to chat. Harriet (spoken) This is the third piece of yours Ive seen. They are getting so large! George Say cheese; George, And put them et their ease George. Youre up on the trapeze, George. Machines dont grow on trees, George. Start putting it together... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George Art isnt easy- Even when Youre hot. Billy (spoken) Are these inventions of yours one of a kind? George Advancing art is easy- Yes. Financing it is not. A visions just a vision If its only in your head. If no one gets to see it, Its as good as dead. If has to come to light! (spoken) I put the names of my contributors on the side of each machine. Harriet (spoken) How clever. George Bit by bit, Putting it together... Piece by Piece- Only way to make a work of art. Every moment makes a contribution, Every little detail plays a part. Having just a visions no solution, Everything depends on execution: Putting it together- Thats what counts! Harriet (spoken) The Board of the Foundation is meeting next week... George Ounce by ounce, Putting it together... Harriet (spoken) Youll come to lunch. George Small amounts, Adding up to make a work of art. First of all you need a good foundation, Otherwise its risky from the start. Takes a little cocktail conversation, But without the proper preparation, Having just a visions no solution, Everything depends on execution. The art of making art Is putting it together Bit by bit... Redmond (spoken) We havent met. Charles Redmond, County Museum of Texas. Wanted you to know were in the process of giving out some sizable commissions-I hope you dont mind my bringing up business during a social occasion... George Link by link, Making the connections... Drink by drink Fixing and perfecting the design. Adding just a dab of politician Knowing where to draw the line. Lining up the funds but in addition Lining up a prominent commission, Otherwise your perfect composition Isnt going to get much exhibition. Art isnt easy. Every minor detail Is a major decision, Have to keep things in scale, Have to hold to your vision- Every time I start to feel defensive, I remember lasers are expensive. Whats a little cocktail conversation If it gets the funds for your foundation, Leading to a prominent commission, And an exhibition in addition? All Art isnt easy- Alex and Betty Trying to make connections- All Who understands it-? Harriet and Billy Difficult to evaluate- All Art isnt easy- Greenburg and Redmond Trying to form collections- All Always in transit- Naomi And then when you have to collaborate! All Art isnt easy, Any way you look at it... Randolph (spoken) George, hello. Lee Randolph. I handle the public relations for the museum. Theres a lot of opportunity for some nice press here... George Dot by dot, Building up the image. Shot by shot, Keeping at a distance doesnt pay. Still, if you remember your objective, Not give all your privacy away, A little bit of hype can be effective, Long as you can keep it in perspective. After all, without some recognition No ones going to give you a commission, Which will cause a crack in your foundation, And youll have wasted all of that conversation. Art isnt easy. Even if youre smart. You think its all put together, But then something falls apart Art isnt easy. Overnight youre a trend, Youre the right combination- Then the trends at an end, Youre suddenly last years sensation. So you should support the competition, Try to set aside your own ambition, Even when you jockey for position. If you feel a sense of coalition, Then you never really stand alone. If you want your work to reach fruition, What you needs a link with your tradition, And of course a prominent commission, Plus a little formal recognition, So that you can go on exhibit- So that your work can go on exhibition- Blair (spoken) Theres the man of the hour. George (spoken) Blair! Hello. I read your piece on Neo-Expressionism- Blair (spoken) Good for you. George (spoken) Well, what did you think? Blair (spoken) George. Chromolume number 7? Blair (spoken) I was hoping it would be a series of three - four at the most. -------Voice Over Voice------- George Be nice, George... You have to pay a price, George... They like to give advice, George Dont think about it twice George... (spoken) I disagree Blair (spoken) I have touted your work from the beginning, you know that. You were really on to something with these light machine-once. Now theyre just becoming more and more about less and less. ------End Voice Over Voice------ Blair (spoken) Now dont get me wrong. Youre a talented guy. But I think you are capable of far more. Not that you couldnt succeed by doing Chromolume after Chromolume - but there are new discoveries to be made, George. George Be new, George. They tell you till theyre blue, George: Youre new or else youre through, George, And even if its true, George- You do what you can do... Bit by bit, Putting it together. Piece by piece. Working out the vision night and day. All it takes is time and perseverance, With a little luck along the way, Putting in a personal appearance, Gathering supporters and adherents... Harriet But he combines all these different trends... George Mapping out the right configuration, Starting with a suitable foundation... Betty Hes an original... Alex Was... George Lining up a prominent commission- And an exhibition in addition- Here a little dab of politician- There a little touch of publication- Till you have a balanced composition- Everything depends on preparation- Even if you do have the suspicion That its taking all your concentration- -------Voice Over Voice------- Betty and Alex I like those images. Some Theyre just his personal response. To what? The painting! Bullshit. Anyway, the paintings overrated... Overrated? Its a masterpiece! A masterpiece? Historically important maybe- Oh, now youre judging Seurat, are you? All it is is pleasant, just like Georges work: Its just your jealousy of Georges work: No nuance, no response, no relevance- Theres nuance, and theres response, theres relevance- Theres not much point in arguing. Besides, its all promotion, but then- Theres not much point in arguing. You say its all promotion, but then- Greenburg Its only new, though. for now, And yesterdays forgotten. Today its all a matter of promotion, But then- Redmond Nouveau. And yesterdays forgotten. Today its all a matter of promotion, But then- Harriet You cant divide art today. Go with it. What will they think of next? Billy Im not surprised. What will they think of next? Others Most art today Is a matter of promotion, but then- All That is the state of the art, And art isnt easy... George The art of making art Is putting it together- Bit by bit- Link by link- Drink by drink- Mink by mink- -------End Voice Over Voice------- And that Is the state Of the Art!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:23:09 +0000

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