An article in caught my attention: 1 Corinthians - TopicsExpress


An article in caught my attention: 1 Corinthians 15:29 What Does Paul Mean by Baptism for the Dead? Ive read it and it isnt worth looking at. It is just another attempt to understand Marcionite scripture as if it were present-day Protestant or Catholic Scripture. But heres the link if you wish to check it out: But really, what the Apostle meant by Baptism for the Dead is easy to understand if you can only understand Marcionite terminology. The dead or those who belong to this terrestrial world. And baptism, in the Marcionite faith was not something that terrestrial people were allowed to have. Baptism was for the Pneumatic elect. But what there was in the Marcionite church what was like a duel-baptism in which one was a member of the Pneumatic elect and the other participants belonged to the spiritually dead — meaning the regular people in the church were not considered to be among the elect. It was a way to link those who were not allowed regular Marcionite baptism with one who is allowed. It was sort of a spiritual marriage; it was also thought of as the rite of brother-making. So when the Scripture says else why are they baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all, the rising here is a believe that it is possible for a terrestrial type Christian to be raised up to the level of the Pneumatic elect. If we were not supposed to believe that this was possible we would not have such a thing as this dual-baptism, which is called Baptism for the Dead. So there you have a Marcionite interpretation of a Marcionite Scripture. Far better than any Petrine oriented Christian could do by stripping Marcionite Scripture from its true context and placing it within a Petrine context; which is like taking a fish out of water and wondering why it wont walk!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:31:10 +0000

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