An artist once sat down with his board and decided to sketch a - TopicsExpress


An artist once sat down with his board and decided to sketch a pretty young lady out of his imagination. He began and gave the sketch every bit of his talent and thoughts . Just when he decided to give some finishing touches a curve of his sketch went wrong and the young lady who had to look pretty in his art now had a little scar on her face . The artist couldnt believe his luck , he had spent three hours sketching it and one mistake cost him the end of it, he thought. If he tried to erase and correct ,it would get further spoilt . In disgust, he tore that sheet and decided to sketch it again. Often in life, wo lose our calm very easily. We forget that we cant be perfect and when our faliures get over us in the hunt of perfection, we start thinking negative . We must believe that Dissapointments can be apointments to something new in life. The artist regained his calm and focused back . Now the sketch was almost ready again. The artist adored his imagination. Dont mess it now with the finishing touches he whispered to himself . He got extra cautious and with extreme concentration he started giving the final touches. Ghosh ! How on earth can i repeat the same mistake again ! I am the worlds biggest stupid ! Why do i spoil it with a scar again and again he bursted out loud in disbelief and anger ! Often when we limit our mind to a particular task and get extra conscious not to committ an error , we end up doing opposite of what we plan. Life is a free style journey , its important to focus on a goal ofcourse but its equally important to make sure that we dont restrict our abilities . Focus , but not beyond focus . Keep the mind free of any kind of pressure so that you can do better . Never let the fear of faliure creep in or you will start thinking more of faliure than success . The heartbroken artist took the sheet and threw it away. He decided not to continue it anymore and started taking his steps back towards his home when a lady took the sheet off the floor. The artist was stunned . His expressions were a mixture of happy and wierd . Oh God ! She looks so much like me the lady exclaimed. Yea she does , but ... Just as the but came out of his lips he stood speechless when he saw the lady rolling her fingers on her face to move the hair that had come on there . A Scar ! Unbelievable ! You see this ! The scar is there too ! I just dont believe this ! the lady said as she expressed her wish to purchase it . The artist was just gazing at her face without uttering a word ! Perfection lies in imperfections. IMPERFECT says I M PERFECT. Life is all about believing in yourself and not giving up when times turn tough . We never know when allmighty has written a beautiful twist in our script which we call Luck. Every dark will be followed by a ray of sunshine , every sorrow will one day turn into happiness . We just have to keep the Belief going ! Being positive is success half achieved ! So all you lovely people , always stay positive in life and keep that smile on . A good smile can befool all your sorrows :) ~ Avineet Pal Singh
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:57:15 +0000

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