An excerpt from Performance without Pain by Kathryne Pirtle New - TopicsExpress


An excerpt from Performance without Pain by Kathryne Pirtle New moms may want to take special note: When I was born, I had severd case of colic, even though m mother nursed me in order to provide the best possible nutrition. This was in 1957, when doctors did not know a lot about the causes of this problem. In fact, they tried to blame the mothers inexperience with infants as a primary cause. With colic, my belly would blow up with intestinal gas, and I could not sleep. My mother said I cried in agony almost constantly for three whole months. The doctor said I would eventually outgrow the problem. However, I was so uncomfortable, my mother thought she would try eliminating things from her diet that might be causing a reaction to her breast milk. Nothing seemed to work. In fact, she eliminated everything EXCEPT WHEAT from her diet. This actually caused my poop to turn green and coated with a lot of mucus! The doctor suggested that this was caused by my mother eating too many carbohydrates. After three months of misery, my mother decided to stop nursing, as she felt something in her milk was making me sick. What actually had occurred was a sensitization to gluten from my mothers consumption of refined wheat products literally from the time I was born. The sever flatulence I experienced is one of the common signs of gluten sensitivity. Next, I was put on a common formula called Similac and began eating a combination of rice cereal and Pablum, a wheat cereal. At that time allergies to wheat seemed as ridiculous as allergies to water; few people were considering this issue. Thus, I was exposed to wheat at a very early age. Untreated gluten sensitivity causes intestinal damage. I therfore was developing problems with nutrient absorption from the time I was an infant. Until I regained my digestive health at age 47, I could not remember a time when I did not experience embarrassing flatulence daily, a sure sign of impaired digestion and overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract. It is also a sign of poor nutrient assimilation leading to malabsorption and malnourishment. The lesson to keep in mind: this symptom should not be ignored! Early detection and correction of the causes of digestive issues may prevent much more serious condition from developing later on. Kathys book is a PRIMER for healing your gut. SO many people are addicted to carbohydrates. Not only do these contribute to weight gain but also gut problems. Her book is easy to read and straight forward. It contains a step-by-step nutritional program for healing pain, inflammation and chronic ailments in all! It contains a chapter on Foods to avoid, foods that heal, supplements, making it practical, suggested reading, & recipes.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:58:49 +0000

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