An older, lower level of toxicity, but nonetheless dangerous - TopicsExpress


An older, lower level of toxicity, but nonetheless dangerous exposure for Kenny: Kenny Evans I believed this group to be about a common love for parrots. I am saddened to find otherwise. I love parrots and the people who love them. Even if I do not like who those people are, I love them unconditionally (like my dog taught me to). Sometimes I have to work harder at than others, but I live by this code. Kenny Evans is not an alias for Broken Wing, I am a real live human being with a good heart, a mind of my own and Im pretty damn smart too. I generally take people at face value and extend the benefit of the doubt to everyone sometimes beyond what they may actually be deserving of. This is one of my many character defects as well as one of my most endearing qualities that many people love about me. It does get me in trouble sometimes. I have not jumped ship as Diane put it, I have simply been busy with my life. I have been occasionally dropping in here to read all these comments tagged with my name. Also, I am not naive nor gullible as Jeffrey suggested. I had simply responded to a post here in Parrot Poop. A post that Brenda had copied from Broken Wings page and pasted here, apparently for some of you to open fire on. I was not met with hatred as stated by Nancy and I thank you for that. I thank you for all the suggestions you all have made and I have done enough research for my satisfaction. What I did not want was to participate in was the wholesale condemnation of a human being, regardless of how incorrigible anyone of you believe him to be. This is what I was met with. Some of you claim to be Christians, but many of the 250 comments I have read on just this one post are not very christian at all. Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged : and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. (Matthew 7). Just a little something I try to live my life by. Plus I studied Theology through Jr. High & High School & college. With all this hatred and judgement from so many people against one human being I cannot be a part of this group anymore. Delete this post or not, ban me from this group or not ... I do not care. What I do care about is that hopefully those of you who participated in judging this human being and spewing hatred outwardly will rethink your behavior, words and thoughts and evolve in to a more loving human being the way that Christianity teaches. I pray you do. Thank you for the good memories, I just wish they would have stayed that way. Kenny Evans 5 hrs · Like Deborah WilsonOzima 5 hrs · Like · 1 Deborah WilsonOzima Oy vey. 5 hrs · Like · 1 Dana Schroeder Dana Schroeders photo. 5 hrs · Like · 3 Joan Napolitano ya know if it was just people he takes advantage of I would almost have to agree with good old Kenny Evans. BUT and a big but (not mine) here it is the voiceless (mostly) and the innocent parrots who have to suffer his abuse. A hoarder is a sick person who has a mental defect that is painful for us to deal with but actually kind of understandable that they do not realize the pain they are causing for the most part. Many think they are taking excellent care of their parrots (or dogs or cats or whatever they are hoarding) but in reality they are not and for the most part they do not see it. But his man fully understands what he is doing and he doesnt care, So release yourself Kenny Evans and dont worry about this list. Go on and be more loving to this Christian but remember the 40 pieces of silver and see the Judas for what he is. I think this list should continue to warn people because saving even ONE bird from going to that place is worth it. I wish he had NO birds to victimize, no birds to abuse and shove in the sun in cages too small. If you really care about life you will understand why it is important to warn and to educate. The most important lesson you can learn when and if the time comes to relinquish your bird is to KNOW where it is going and to entrust its most precious life to some place or someone who will take care of it and nurture it, not use it for personal gain and ego gratification. 5 hrs · Like · 7 Nancy Bullard my phone just goes off on its on sometimes, sheesh! Anyhow, Kenny Evans, I wont use scripture to try to prove someone right or wrong. I dont think God likes being used like that. Some here are Christians, some are not. All are about helping though, not just talking about it. Youre certainly free to make your own choice. 5 hrs · Like · 5 Deborah WilsonOzima Wow! Joan Napolitano! Love this! 🐣 5 hrs · Like · 2 Joan Napolitano Ill off my soapbox now 5 hrs · Like Nancy Bullard Maybe you can help him, Kenny. Maybe you can volunteer at his house, help tend to his birds. Let us know how that works out for you. 5 hrs · Like · 1 Nancy Bullard dang, hes gone! 5 hrs · Like Joan Napolitano like the big wind he is. maybe it was the word volunteer that got him moving. haha. 5 hrs · Like · 1 Linda L Lusby Kenny was the one that said on BW that he was met with hatred here. Nancy didnt say that, she just quoted him saying that. 5 hrs · Like Linda L Lusby That was a great post, Joan. 5 hrs · Like · 3 Joan Napolitano I must confess I didnt read every post...guilty... I did read Kennys though and that pissed me off. Judge not and all that, I say JUDGE if theres an innocent involved. 5 hrs · Like · 2 Nancy Bullard I started to mention that to him, Linda, but obviously hes not listening. Seems to be following in his leaders footsteps, twisting his own words. Oh well. 5 hrs · Like · 2 Joan Napolitano thank you Linda. I will never understand some people. 5 hrs · Like Nancy Bullard HE plainly said, Greg, I originally caught a re-post of this article on Parrot Poop and surprisingly was met with some of the hatred you spoke of in an earlier post. 4 hrs · Like Linda L Lusby It seems being nice is the be all and end all for some people, no matter the consequences. Just turn a blind eye. Evil wins when good men do nothing--thats what I live by. 4 hrs · Like · 2 Nancy Bullard dumb ass (I tried being 4 hrs · Like · 2 Joan Napolitano I dont hate him I pity him. 4 hrs · Like · 1 Joan Napolitano So true Linda... 4 hrs · Like Nancy Bullard I dont hate him, I dont pity him. Hes grown, able to make his own choices. The infos been put on this group every way it can be put on. Nicely, not so nicely, links and posts put right there in his face, pictures even! yet he still doesnt see. Some people just choose to live that way. 4 hrs · Like · 1 Jeffrey Lyle Spencer Im agnostic, and while I dont deny the existence of God, I certainly question it, like alot of other things, I choose to leave my mind open to wonder, not closed by belief, so when I was banned from the Broken Wing page for asking a simple question, I began to wonder, lol 4 hrs · Like · 1 Judith Richmond Archer Darn I keep missing the best plays. Perhaps Kenny sees some radiance emanating from GK we still cannot, after years of observation, discern. Or maybe he thinks pathological lying is an act of Christian grace. As for all comments about not judging people, sorry, we all do that every day. Kenny himself came her to judge and declared he had been met with hate. We all judge people, and decide who we wish to stand with, who we are indifferent to, and who we dont want anywhere near us. We do that by making judgments. Or we can just believe whatever lying con artists we come across and take them at face value, despite piles of evidence that they lie, lie, lie, and not alert people to their actions and deeds and..lies. 4 hrs · Like · 2 Nancy Bullard ah, but whether he wants to admit it or not, GK is NOT God! 4 hrs · Like · 1 Jeffrey Lyle Spencer Mr Evans, ( Some of you claim to be Christians, but many of the 250 comments I have read on just this one post are not very christian at all), thats a judgmental statement, not very christian like at all, ten Hale marrys, and you are forgiven 4 hrs · Edited · Like Judith Richmond Archer If being a more loving human being requires turning a blind eye to con artists who use and abuse parrots to avoid doing an honest days work, then sorry....Im not even applying for the position. 4 hrs · Like · 2 Deborah WilsonOzima Cest la vie. I seriously doubt this man is real. 4 hrs · Like Jeffrey Lyle Spencer I generally take people at face value and extend the benefit of the doubt to everyone sometimes beyond what they may actually be deserving of. This is one of my many character defects as well as one of my most endearing qualities that many people love about me. It does get me in trouble sometimes.), - Gullible - easily deceived -, which is exactly whats happening with Mr Evans if he takes people at face value 4 hrs · Like · 1 Deborah WilsonOzima Well Mr. Gullible can go and clean cages for GK. Wonder how long that would last? 4 hrs · Like · 1 Jeffrey Lyle Spencer He admits that its a character defect, then denies it, Im beginning to think (look out, because this is judgmental), that he and GK, and the Holy Ghost will be rolling with it soon 4 hrs · Like · 1 Judith Richmond Archer Im just watching the clock tick down here...8 hours to go.....we shall see what the morning brings. It is funny though: no one associated with this group was invovled in those groups he says he shut down. 4 hrs · Like · 2 Judith Richmond Archer Jrff, what are YOU doing up late? 4 hrs · Like · 1 Jeffrey Lyle Spencer Im up early, I go to bed when it gets dark, ha! 4 hrs · Like · 1 Diane Richards Very well put Joan Napolitano! We do the best we can in choosing the right placement for our birds, unfortunately the places chosen arent always what they seem. I hope Kenny never has to find out the hard way. 1 hr · Like
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:56:53 +0000

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