Ananda Monsanto Just before the days of the Headkick Headtrick - TopicsExpress


Ananda Monsanto Just before the days of the Headkick Headtrick Tantra and very close to us, there was murder, there was attempted murder, there were pedophiles, there was the Cobra Killer, and the infamous Headkicker with his death threats towards us or our friends. When I heard that this band of robed rogues wanted to sue Rancho Misterio for teaching the so called universal mantra of Baba Nam Kevalam (patent pending), I decided to fight back. To want to sue us just showed how weak and pathetic they have become. I told only the truth and I dont regret it. I wrote this prologue not for my book but rather to send a message to Ananda Marga Inc. and the rest of the Ananda Marga corporations. Their very name represents everything that they have become and that other people who have known the meditation and philosophy of Anandamurti will have to step forward because they are no longer viable. The Headkick Headkick Tantra was an absurd parody and was mostly cryptic so that those that knew about all of the cover-ups would know that there are people out there that know and that will no longer keep quiet. Anandamurti once said that if his organization cant do his work, then he will get the goats to do it. Viva Los Cabrones de Baba! I also just wanted to send back all of the psychic garbage, their psorax, to its origin. However, there is real work to do and I dont want to dwell on all of this negativity that they have projected toward us any longer, so I have re-written it just before publication in a little more tame fashion so as not to taint the book. However, its not nearly as exciting without mentioning the arms drop and the FBI and all of the other dramatic elements! It has long been an issue for me of how to tell people about Anandamurti, his life, philosophy, and his work without exposing them to the blatant hypocrisy which has become the organization. In the past I simply tried not to mention them, but this situation has forced me to take a stand and voice what I think is true. Anandamurti once said that if a small child says something rational, then it should be accepted. But if the Creator, Brahma says something irrational, then it should be rejected. I cannot escape the spirit of Anandamurti and I only hope that I have been as honest and sincere as possible without permitting them to get away with the murder of his ideas. Prologue I was initiated into Tantra Yoga in 1993. I was taught in a very pure and secretive Tantric tradition by a very adept Indian Yogi, Shambushivananda. Within a few months my kundalini began with what would be a very long and intense awakening. I was a 21 year old student of psychology. After classes and a short meditation, at which I was merely a beginner, I lied down on my back due to exhaustion. I felt a soothing force begin to rise up my spine. As this bundle of white soft energy rose up into the thoracic region of the spine, I began to hear the sacred Om sound. It became frightening because there was only Om and nothing else. I opened my eyes but could not see anything. My faculties of sight and hearing were unified and there only existed only Om. I knew I was being dissolved in a force that was vibrating within every particle of the universe. It was ecstatic and exhilarating but terrifying. I felt my whole identity would disappear and never return. The kundalini had entered the brain. I began to repeat my mantra for meditation but it only made the experience more intense. Instead, I began to repeat my name, William Ernest Enckhausen III over and over and trying to remember that I am a student in Austin Texas on the physical plane of reality. The kundalini began to go back down as Om diminished. I couldn’t take any more. After that experience I became very confident but experienced a lot of mental turmoil. It was very productive turmoil in that all negative memories from my past were being quickly purged and purified. The second time it rose was a few months later. I saw the same light in my spine although this time it was an infinitesimally small point. Physical reality disappeared and I began to “see” from the crown of my head a turquoise bird flying closer and closer as the point rose higher and higher. The bird arrived and landed on the crown of my head at the same time the point rose to the same place. Heaven and earth had met. My last thought was that this all looked Meso-American. Only years later would I learn of the Mayan concept of kundalini or Kulkukan, the Plumed Serpent as well as the Toltec image of Quetzalcoatl. A version of the image of Quetzalcoatl is on the Mexican national flag to this day. The turquoise bird that I saw was actually a quetzal, a beautiful colorful bird in Mexico and Central America. And it was even many more years later that I learned forms of Mayan meditations very similar to the Indian Tantra from a recluse indigenous teacher from Chiapas who recently died at the age of 110. After this I became a freak. I lost all interest in a career and marriage and a “normal” life. I barely graduated the university and went to India seeking more understanding. There I met Chidghananda, a solitary old monk well-venerated in his order. He was regarded as a saint and I felt so honored that he took me into his close friendship and care. My experiences had intensified and it was clearly divine will that I had met such a teacher to guide me through these powerful processes. He was a monk with Ananda Marga, a very controversial and previously noble spiritual organisation. Here I found some very great teachers and my internal spiritual guide, Anandamurti. However, I also found how organized spirituality always gets corrupted when the master passes on and power is usurped by monastic disciples. Today, just about all of the spirit is gone from the organization Anandamurti left behind, but there still survive some pockets of genuine, spiritual culture that he created. There are also many interesting, new, creative movements around the globe inspired by his practical philosophy that are manifesting quite spontaneously and independently. At the time I wanted to become a monk but Chidghananda himself told me that I should stay a little distant from the organization, that I would not be understood nor accepted, and there was simply too much ambition in the monks and that I would suffer their envy. Although sharply criticized and wrongly defamed for his influence over me, he followed his conscience and spoke only the truth to me. Although very confused as to what to do with my life once the ideal of being a monk was fading, I was aided by a dream in which Anandmurti also told me not to worry about becoming a monk, but just to “see the world as a photo frame-less and wander through the night.” It was soon after that that I met Acharya Chandranath and his wife, Acharya Ram Parith Devii. They were some of the first initiates and spiritual teachers, or acharyas, personally taught by Anandamurti in the 1950s. They were undoubtedly the most spiritually elevated beings that I have ever met. The whole environment around them was bliss. Even their lifelong employees like the cook and the gardener had become highly developed yogis. Speaking with Chandranath removed any doubts I had about my experiences and he told me that the intensity would calm down with time. He gave me invaluable tips about the mystical subtleties of spiritual practice. He left me with the deepest sensation of divine peace that I still feel each time I recall being in his presence. Both he and his wife were established in the practice of samadhi and could enter into it at will. They were free, realized souls whose only reason to still be physically incarnated was to help others along the path. After meeting them I realized that more important than being a monk or householder was to simply try to remain at one with the Supreme Consciousness at all times, as they did. A Name to the Nameless is a work in which I explain my personal experiences in the format of philosophy and psychology. Instead of continuing to write about very subjective mystical experiences, I decided to explain my experiences by going more deeply into Tantric spiritual science. As I see it, experience proves theory and I have discovered that Tantra is a universal spiritual science that sprouts up about all over the world, not just in India, Tibet and China, but in Mesoamerica as well. Who knows where else in the world exist traces of this secretive spiritual science. Most of my inspiration, at least early on, was due to the spiritual influence of Anandamurti and a few of his disciples, like Chidghananda and Chandranath. White Feather or Quetzal Manik was my wife’s teacher whose Tantra Maya practices only deepened my understanding of the Indian Tantra I had been practicing for years.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 12:09:50 +0000

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