And all of a sudden, an sms popped in and the message read: - TopicsExpress


And all of a sudden, an sms popped in and the message read: #VoteObinna- The future of NOA is now in our hands,lets vote innovation, lets vote integrity, lets vote Obinna Awiaka 4 Sec. Gen. I have kept calm while observing the build-up to this election. I dont see any reason our phone numbers and email addresses should be given out by the board or association to anyone let alone unknown persons. This breach of privacy as I call it happens to be partly the reason we are have been unwittingly saddled with this highly embarrasing issue concerning the NOA President. However, since Dr. Obinna Awiakas campaign directors/crew or even himself has brought his campaign to my doorstep, I dont think its out of place to give my opinion about this renowned Chief Consultant Optometrist as I know him. This is my opinion about Dr. Obinna Awiaka and I would appreciate you spend time and read through the lines before you cast your vote. I still stand apolitical but would advice you cast your vote for those with legacies who can pilot the affairs of this Association to a greater landing, those with the moral fibre to lead and stand for us all. Unfortunately I dont know any yet. But I know someone whose position and claims beggars alot of questions and genuine concerns. Here are three reason why you shouldnt vote Dr. Obinna Awiaka for NOA secretary. I will try to be brief so I dont bore you. 1) I do not think he has the character or any moral legacy to bequeath younger generation of Optometrists. 2) He will use the position to intimidate and victimise those he consider enemies just like he has done for the past two years while serving as PRO. 3)He didnt perform well in his previously held position as NOA PRO. Someone should please tell me why we should vote a man who even as I write this piece, still owes more than five optometrists who toiled and worked for him? These are young Optometrists who believed in him, got carried away by his ability to convince and to charm, and gave their all for him. These are Optometrists who every morning braved the traffics, hardships and other stresses in living in the cities where his clinics are sited working for Dr Awiaka only to have their salaries delayed, or deliberately denied for upwards of 6months, 9months and even a year plus. If he who works should eat, then someone should ask Dr. Obinna why he is still owing his colleagues or sorry, junior colleagues who worked for him. Is this the kind of Secretary we need in NOA? Integrity indeed! Dr. Obinna Awiaka served as NOA PRO for two years and for the very first time since then, I have only received ONE sms from him and the sms turned out to be a CAMPAIGN SMS urging me to vote him for NOA secretary. Why??? What do some senior colleagues like Obinna take us for?? Are we too small to be trampled upon at will, ignored, sidelined only to be remembered when the opportunity for fame calls? Looked down as if we cant say a word? It is time we called a spade its right name. It is time we revealed the truth as they are. It is time some people respected themselves a little more. Honestly speaking some of us have kept quiet for a long time. We have suffered in pains and have lived in silence, but that doesnt make us stupid or less than we really are. Dr.Obinna Awiaka or anyone who deems him fit to contest the said office should bring forward his legacies while he served as National PRO. One Sms throughout the length of it all? Innovation indeed! Tell me why we should vote a man who took it upon himself exerting his closeness with the board to ask for the withdrawal of licence of practice of a fully licenced, hardworking up and coming young Optometrist whose professionalism was without doubt on the trumped up charge of lack of competence because he fell out with him? A man who could go extra length when it serves him fit to assert authority and superiority? Was it actually a case of incompetence or was it because the Optometrist stood his/her grounds and refused unnecessary bullying, intimidation and victimisation from a senior colleague who turned out to share close relationship with him? He isnt here to give answers no doubt, he could easily get away with anything though because he is one of the untouchables. As long as the elders exist, whatever we say here may probably end up as childs play. They will still hijack the elections, effect their plans and people like Dr Awiaka would always lead us unquestioned. In the name of recruiting young Optometrists for private clinics who NEED them and actually PAY HIM for such services, Dr Obinna Awiaka collects exorbitant fees from hapless, desperate and helpless interns to secure a place for them, at a cost and in a manner than falls beneath any elderly Optometrist with conscience and concern for the young ones? Is this actually the kind of leaders we expect to represent us? Persons who think more about themselves than others and make business out of the opportunity to help? Be sincere to yourself and xray this mans character in the mirror of TRUTH and INTEGRITY. Where is the integrity and excellence he is trying to sell? He helped a young intern secure an internship placement in Lagos and collected sums from the intern nearing his one month salary of about twenty five thousand naira even after the young intern pleaded with him for time to space the payment for ease. A private clinic for that matter!! Twenty five thousand Naira! Who else has noticed the way our so-called senior colleagues will show no mercy when they want to cut our salary? I am a witness. Fellow Optometrists, Dr. Obinna Awiaka should be spared the blunder of serving NOA again. People should know the truth as it is, not just the character he wants the rest of us to wrongly assume. To all whom it may concern, please tell him to pay all Optometrists he still owe money till date. Please tell him to pay frame suppliers, marketers and artisans he still owe money till date. Then we can start considering him if we will. I dont believe in the cabal thing but if there is anything like cabal existing in NOA, then I can assure you Dr. Obinna Awiaka is right there with them. He is the sort of leader the NOA of tomorrow does NOT need. Do nott ask me to prove anything but if you ask me then I will. Those who have suffered in his hands may have chosen to keep quiet and wallow in silence,those who may have heard his tales may assume it doesnt matter, posterity will not be kind to us if we allowed the status quo to persist and men of honour denied the opportunity to serve in place of men who do not value it. No matter what we say here,whether he is the best candidate or not, I bet you Dr. Obinna Awiaka will become NOA secretary at the end of that election. Mark my word!! I could only wish that God would forbid. So, Gentlemen and Ladies, lets chart a new course for this Association towards a new consciousness and carefully create the NOA of our dreams, with leaders we can trust and rely on, in anticipation of a future that can be understood, mastered and managed for the benefit of our younger ones.The only thing we have is our vote. Just maybe, maybe we can start letting them see our relevance by voting wisely. I will rest my case because am already exhausted. I dont regret nothing. Am proudly an Optometrist and Optometry is my first identity. Thank you!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:51:39 +0000

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