And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and - TopicsExpress


And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith. Judges 15:15 The Philistines gathered themselves and went up to Judah to capture Samson. At that time, the Philistines ruled over Judah and Samson was a problem to them. When they arrived at Lehi, they instructed the men of Judah to fetch Samson. Three thousand men of Judah went to top of the rock Etam, bound him with two new cords and brought him from rock Etam to Lehi. When the Philistines saw him, they began to dance and rejoice. “Oh, Samson is finished,” they must have thought. They rushed towards him and shouted; fire came from nowhere and consumed the cords that were used to bind Samson. Judges 15:15 says: “And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.” “And he found …,” implies that Samson was searching for something. Matthew 7:8 says: “….and he that seeketh findeth....” God was miles ahead of the Philistines (Samson’s enemies). He prepared and strategically positioned a jawbone for Samson, days before the Philistines arrived at Judah. Friend, God has prepared a solution long before that problem started. He has prepared a way out of that unfortunate incident long before it occurred. He had made ready the points you are going to argue with long before the hearing. He has already prepared the tools you will fight that battle with long before the enemy attacked. You can never be stuck in Christ. Samson searched and found the Jawbone God had prepared to conquer the enemy with. Except you seek the face of God over that challenge, you may not find what He has prepared for you to use. Except you go on your knees and pray you may not find the solution to that problem. Samson was probably looking for a sharp sword or strong bow and arrow to use when he found a jawbone of an ass. God knows the best tools needed to conquer an enemy or a situation. Many of what you consider as likely solutions may not be the right solution. What you are considering as a way out of that problem may not be the way out. After (prayerfully) searching, Samson found his ‘jawbone of an ass’. Your own ‘jawbone of an ass’ could be a bible verse to pray with and confess. In the middle of a particular challenge, several years back, the Holy Spirit laid “Christ in me the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27)” in my heart. I began to confess it and pray with it, at the end God gave me victory. Your ‘jawbone of an ass’ could be a song of deliverance. A sister’s shipping container was impounded at a port for no good reason. After praying, the Holy Spirit gave her a song of deliverance. The lyrics of the song was “In the day that thy walls are to be built, in that day shall the decree be far removed (Micah 7:11).” She started to sing, twelve hours later, the container that had been impounded for over two months was miraculously released. Your ‘jawbone of an ass’ could be a counsel in the mouth of a friend. The moment you hear the counsel, something inside you will say, That’s it. Samson used what God provided and became victorious. Friend, use whatever the Lord has provided for that battle and victory will be yours. NOTE: God has provided sacrificial giving as the ‘jawbone of an ass’ to conquer poverty. He has provided forgiveness as the ‘jawbone of an ass’ to conquer tormentors. He has provided someone on face book to tell you that all will be well today, so cheer up. Use them and victory will be yours. PRAYER: Father, as I give sacrificially to your work, prosper me, in the name of Jesus. Stay blessed and have a great weekend.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 10:23:22 +0000

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