And here we are. The results of 30 years of tough on crime - TopicsExpress


And here we are. The results of 30 years of tough on crime policies and a failed drug war are revealed in the few seconds of a cell phone video. This childs pain, frustration and fear are played out for those of us who dont have to live through the horror of being raised by a drug-addicted parent. We must remember this: the child we cry for today is the one we are mad at tomorrow. Dont you feel compelled to change this boys situation, to help in some way? What about ten years from now? What happens to this boy if his mothers addiction isnt treated and his trauma goes unresolved and ignored? It could go either way... he could pull through it somehow and be okay when he grows up or I could see him in a VOEG group inside San Quentin some day - your guess is as good as mine. Do you want to stack the deck in his favor? Then vote YES on Prop 47. Instead of punishing mom and tearing her family apart, lets get her the help she needs to be well and raise her children. The money redirected by this initiative will do that - with no tax increase. There will be money for her treatment, for his school to fund community programs for at-risk kids, and money for his local trauma recovery center to help him deal with the fallout of his moms addiction. Isnt this a better track than just throwing mom into prison, him and his siblings into separate foster homes, and then throwing him in prison later when he doesnt know how to deal with it all? This system ignored Irving and his mom, cycling him in and out of jail and prison until one day, the wheels flew off and he murdered Dan. I lost my husband, Gabby lost her dad, Josh lost an amazing role model, and the world lost a wonderful man. PLEASE help me stop this insanity. #schoolsnotprisons #dothemath
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:08:49 +0000

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