And if anyone of these people where to have a relative killed - TopicsExpress


And if anyone of these people where to have a relative killed tomorrow they would be asking questions like; why us, whats wrong with people, how could someone do that to another human etc. coming to terms with the tragedies that plague the human race. since the beginning of time humans have committed acts to one another for reasons of stupidity,hatred,bigotry, socioeconomic difference and a thousand more. some people deserved everything they received, others where taken for no good reason the things we have done to nature that have been ritualized into our cultures and beliefs is mind blowing and in most cases completely unnatural! Nature has 2 enemies; Humans and attacks by other natural forces or creatures.......humans have countless; disease,murders,traffic,guns,stuoid people with guns,car accidents, drug over doses, the government armies, the religious nut jobs of militant belief and so MANY MORE!! This is why insurance is such a joke, there is no insurance in nature and we created it to make us believe we are exempt are protected when our time comes to be taken aint no insurance for that shit!! The story of Arju going to battle pretty much sums it up for me☆ We are over populated, way to educated in everything except life, invest so much time in things that really arent helping heal our world and we treat others and our own EARTH with complete disregard for the future..........thats why you must be careful, youll find yourself in your own manifested hell or sometimes if your close enough a splash of someone elses screwed up shit can effect the recipe you are trying to create☆ Love your life!☆ Think of EVERYTHING you do as being a tally to what will dictate your time on earth!☆ acknowledge the 80% similarities that connect all living beings!☆ Help your fellow man whenever you can!!☆.........for if unjustly acts have been committed upon you, just continue to live your truth and be the hand that could help someone understand through good and evil that this is a beautiful life with people who care and even if for a moment someone was reaching out for you!☆♡
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 01:17:02 +0000

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