And its finally here - the last day of 2014, just few more hours - TopicsExpress


And its finally here - the last day of 2014, just few more hours to the new year. Its another time to reflect on how well Ive spent the last 365 days of my life. Another time to reflect and count my blessings and express my gratitude to God for bringing me, my family, friends and loved ones thus far. So many saw the beginning of the year, even the beginning of this month but unfortunately are no where on earth today. It can only be God and His infinite mercies. Its been a year of mixed experiences - the good, the bad and the down right ugly. The huge testimonies, the disappointments and near frustrating situations. But I chose to count my blessings... and theyre just too numerous to list on a page or in a day. How can I be able to list the daily Grace & miracles of 365 days in just one day?! I flash to this time last year and I vividly remember how sick I was, the crossover sef was a struggle, it took my spirit and Spirit of God in me to sustain my body to see 2014. And here I am today, 365 days later, strong, healthy and better. From the very first second of 2014 to this very moment im writing this, I cant deny that God has been Faithful. Infact, Faithful is His name and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, just know its the voice of the enemy. I want to take some moments to recount the few blessings I can... From the often overlooked privilege of sleeping and waking up day in day out, to the daily provision of my daily bread even if it turns out to be soaked garri. I acknowledge and Im grateful for the privilege to have both my parents and all my siblings alive. Though the enemy made several attempts to steal my dad, the blood of Jesus Christ countered all attacks. I dont count this a right - a lot of my friends and contemporaries have lost one or more of their nuclear family members so Lord im exceptionally grateful for this favour/mercy bestowed upon my family. I am grateful for your safety on all my ways, protection from accidents of all sorts (If you stay in Abuja youll understand this, theres not a week I go to and from work and not see at least 3 accident scenes - fatal or otherwise). Im also grateful for the times you saved me from one-chance people. Im grateful for your protection through the bomb blasts that rocked the country this year. Even when it came so close, you shielded my household from destruction. Im grateful for the seemingly mundane things - the times I ran out of airtime and you recharged my phone. The times I ran out of cream or soap, you still kept me glowing; teaching me that beauty isnt from all those chemicals. Im grateful for all the times I ran out of data and had no money to renew but someway, somehow you miraculous provided someone to help out. Im grateful for all the times in the year that I was financially down, so down that I had to borrow money to go to work or buy basic things. Im grateful too for the times I had no one to borrow from and you provided some free rides or caused someone in the taxi to pay my fare. Im grateful for the times I was hungry but had nothing to eat hence had to automatically convert starving to fasting without prayers. Im grateful for my friends and relatives that tied the nuptials this year; grateful for those who marked their wedding anniversaries and for those who you delivered of their own babies. Im grateful for the 2013 carryover prayers that their answers manifested in this year - top most amongst them being the Clarion call to serve my fatherland aka NYSC. It reminds me that you dont work with this our calendar, indeed a thousand years is but a day in your sight hence im assured youll satisfy me early in the morning concerning the other pending requests. Im grateful for the priceless friends youve given me who stand by me even though im not perfect and I dont get to appreciate them enough; Im also grateful for the fake ones you exposed for what they are. Im grateful for my superiors, my colleagues and my subordinates, you use them to test, shapen and train me to be better on a daily basis. Im grateful for the various degrees of trainings and lessons you taught me during the course of 2014. In this year you taught me to be consciously grateful; you taught me to practice patience - to be patient with others, with You and with myself too; you also taught me how to deal with hurt - emotional and otherwise; you taught me to consciously work on my temper, I never realised I was bad tempered until somethings started coming up and testing waters... Im not done with the classes yet. Im still learning and willing to continue till your purpose is fulfilled. Above all, you taught me to appreciate life. You taught me to appreciate every breathe I take as only the living can do anything - worship, serve you, forgive, think, worry, hope, make plans, dream big, get drunk or whatever it is that living things do. So it is up to me to choose wisely what my last moment may be as no one knows the exact time youll require our report. You also taught me to grieve gracefully, not as the heathens who do not have hope but as one who has the Comforter. Still tough for me to fully practice but im adapting... I believe I have been a good student, I learnt some lessons and Im better prepared to face the challenges ahead; Im grateful for the tests and Im ready to graduate to the next level in 2015. I am ready for 2015 and and all the wonderful packages you have pre-installed in it for me. I am better prepared for it than I was for this year hence I declare unto myself, my family, friends, loved ones and to you reading this that - 2015 shall be for us A Year Of Double Recoveries!!! Happy New Year in advance, see you in 2015!!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:59:05 +0000

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