And so our tiny Hobbit and his friends threw the ring into volcano - TopicsExpress


And so our tiny Hobbit and his friends threw the ring into volcano just as the death star exploded saving both universes from evil doers…… meanwhile at your local Centrelink office a much harder battle rages on….. day 9 of BATTLE OF ITCHY PANTS…… I’m not one to rant…. but….. “Your Austudy has been cancelled as you’re not a full time student”. “Yes I is” “Prove it” Copy of full time student printout from Uni provided…… HURRAH! “Your Austudy has been cancelled as you’re not a full time student”. “Yes I is”. “Prove it” Copy of signed letter from Utas student services stating “Rob is a full time student”. HURRAH! Your Austudy has been cancelled as you’re not a full time student” “Proove it” “Would you like a copy of my student printout.” “No we already have that” “Would you like a signed copy of student administration stating I’m a full time student “No we already have that.” … um… Can I apply for the dole, no you’re a full time student you need to go on Austudy. Can I go on Austudy, no you’re not a full time…. Can I speak to a supervisor please…. Hi… provide… provide… yes you are…. No your not… this is an odd situation. THANKYOU SIR I HAD NOT NOTICED!!! Tuesday: Hi I’m Rob. Hi Rob, we’ll get someone to contact you Wednesday or Thursday from our student department. This very morn as you were having your morning shower: Hi I’m Rob. Hi Rob, can I see XXX as she is familiar with my case… sure I’ll book you in to see her… 30 mins later.. I’m afraid XXX has appointments all morning, can I take your contact details for her to contact you this afternoon. She tried contacting the student department yesterday but didn’t hear back from them. Just that very minute inbetween typing that last sentence and this one I received a call. Hi this is XXX, we don’t have your Centrelink reference number, could you provide us with it…. Um…. Sure….. here it is. Ok I’ll give student services a call ……. Bye… And so our intrepid hero awaits the call of battle… the phone doth rings…. 10.24 just that very second….. and it flowed like this: I just rang student services, but as they are in W.A. they are 3 hours behind. The lady I spoke with said they were discussing this case late last night (???) as seems unique…. Someone should be dealing with this case sometime today…… So the BATTLE OF ITCHY PANTS… continues……. (DVD and merchandise available at your local ABC store)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:31:02 +0000

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