Andrew’s Been A Bad Boy Again! Interesting email from a large - TopicsExpress


Andrew’s Been A Bad Boy Again! Interesting email from a large management company in the in box this morning, seems like Andrew’s been a bad boy again ;) From: ###########@######GolfManagement Organization: ##### Golf Management Date: Wed, 13, Nov 2013 08:44:23 -0500 To: Legendary Marketing Subject: Why Are You Picking On Big Management Companies? Andrew: You have some very creative marketing ideas, by far the best in the industry but I resent the way you keep picking on big management companies. We can’t all be good at everything you know! We do a great job or growing grass and talking about “good service” that’s what’s really important to a club, not sales and marketing. Try selling tee times on dirt, it’s not easy my friend! I have to admit that we, along with most of the others big management companies where a little late to the internet game and…. quite frankly we don’t get social media at all ……But, I don’t think you should be calling us out for it. We are no different than most in the golf industry, we don’t have Facebook and Twitter accounts ourselves so why would we “get it?” We think social media will fizzle out soon anyway. I know our website could be improved tremendously but we have to keep costs down and the vendor we use is really cheap. I know the rumors are that, our websites are built by 5 year olds in a Bangalore sweatshop but it’s not true, we checked, some of them are nearly 8! Anyway, I know our sites don’t have all the bells and whistles your company offers like sales copy, data collection and a lead management system but like I said it’s all comes down to cost. The more we save, the more we can squeeze out of our preferred vendors, the more money we make! It’s just good management to keep doing what you know how to do and not do what we don’t understand! We where going to try and upgrade the websites this year but we over spent on our logo budget. I am sure you realize the importance of keep our “brand” out there. Those cart stickers cost a fortune and we need four for every cart! And it’s not just the cart stickers, we when we take over a club we have to trash everything and reprint all the scorecards, menus, brochures etc so people know it’s a ##### managed golf course! I mean what’s the point of hiring us if we don’t use our brand to promote? That’s why we put our logo on every page of everything we do, it really differentiates us from the other big management companies, most of them only put their logo on the first page. At ##### golf management we go the extra mile and put it EVERYWHERE! I’ll be honest Andrew there is no way we are going to let someone as sharp as you come into ##### headquarters and tell us what to do with our marketing, no matter how clueless we are. Yes, I know you are the top guy in the golf world according to Linkedin and quite frankly just about everyone I talk to but you scare people. People don’t like it pointed out to them how incompetent they are, just like it says in that Jack Nicholson movie “We can’t handle the truth!” It’s not just our marketing people either just think how bad the top managers would feel if we applied your internet marketing self-test and we only scored 2 out of 20! (I did it already and had to fudge a little just to score a 2) They are the people that hired the marketing team and it would cause a good deal of embarrassment to the top brass if changes had to be made. It would be like an admission that we have been conning our clients all along by claiming to be marketing experts! No, for the good of the company we must continue on the path we are on and I’d really appreciate it if you could for once, just focus on something positive… Like our logo… we are really proud of that! Thanks in advance for your consideration! #### ##### CEO, ##### Golf Management PS. We are going to send a couple of people to your Golf Marketing Boot Camp in Orlando, but they will be using assumed names and “cover clubs” not their real clubs so no one will know they are from ##### Golf Management. I am sure you can see how bad it would look if we were seen taking advice from you, the world’s leading expert in golf marketing!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:18:11 +0000

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