Angelic Earth Listen to the Earth Hive Update. The Angelic - TopicsExpress


Angelic Earth Listen to the Earth Hive Update. The Angelic Earth, a new Earth timeline and manifestation of the feminine Christ Consciousness, is beginning to rise out of the seed of Ancient Earth. The spiral downward into Ancient Earth (see last month’s blog) took us into the depths of our ancient cellular make-up. The rawness of life pounding at us from all sides ensuring that we understand that we are very much alive in a physical body. As the Angelic Earth rises up into a physical reality, one that we can see, taste, smell and touch, we are gaining a new insight–that while we may have been at the mercy of an old, sluggish evolutionary timetable (one that has been severely manipulated to prevent our natural evolution), we are becoming a new light embodiment of the Golden Light Ray. The rate of change now is calling us to let go of ANY preconceived ideas of what it means to be human and just what it is that is in store for us in the Higher Reality of the Angelic Earth. Spiraling Upward into Angelic Earth In the last week, the gateways to the Angelic Earth opened up. Catching a ride up is quite literally like taking an elevator hitting the top floor button and realizing that your elevator has gone even further than the highest perceived destiny. In energetic terms, we are able to re-connect to a clockwise rotating spiral of time that is moving like a flying disc up in frequency. As we ride this spiral up in frequency (many of us from the bottom depths of primitive Earth timelines) there can be a collision of timelines occurring at rapid speed. The experience is one of bumping into old experiences and doorways that we have known, yet, believed we wouldn’t see again. This is an experience of coalescing and smoothing out the bumpy timelines that do not resonant with the Angelic Earth experience. Yet, it can seem strangely odd as you re-visit old spaces that don’t seem to “fit” with the reality you have been weaving. Realize that as a path paver into the new Earth reality of unity consciousness your presence in these outmoded timelines serves to capture “aspects” of soul light essence and eternal light source to be released into future time. We are bumping into these spaces and sweeping the light into our heart containers for the translocation into a higher reality. This is a process of liberating the light and stuck life force that needs a gentle nudge to squeeze through the closing doors of these old timelines. Throughout this most recent journey downward and then back up we may experience a “mis-sorted” body. One thing to be aware of is that as you enter and exit timelines so quickly to make sure you are bringing your body with you at all times. Take a breather when you need to and count your fingers and toes! The body will need extra care in re-assembling itself as you return to the upward spiraling disc. When you are in your heart breathe this is a good moment to feel and sense that you are fully in-tact. The God Bridge & Translocation At the top of the spiral a new God experience unfolds, one that facilitates our physical movement, or translocation, into the Angelic Earth. The new God experience is amplified by love waves; yet, the God force solidifies into a new physical structure called the God Bridge. It appears as if the the upper Heavens dropped down a draw bridge that literally gives us a solid footing to walk into the manifestation of the Angelic Earth. The God Bridge beams from the heart center and is part of the “rod” function of the newly repaired Father Principle. In experiencing the God Bridge, one is clear about the uni-directionality of the bridge and where it leads. There is a sturdy, strong and clear “linear” connection that points to where one must go to get to the Angelic Earth. In my experience of it, it is literally a metallic rod that beams from the heart source and connects from the top of the spiral to the Angelic Earth. There is nothing that can break the pathway to God from this location on the spiral. Even if you feel weakened from the journey, the God Bridge is constructed from the richest source of metal and God particles that you will not lose your connection and you will make it across the bridge. An important distinction between the God Bridge and God waves, which are love frequency waves, is the simultaneous “lifting” and “anchoring” received through the God Bridge. God waves serve to replenish our light source; the God Bridge serves to translocate us into higher realities safely and securely. Both are God sourced and both allow us to experience the vastness of God intelligence. The Higher Reality of the Angelic Earth As it is just emerging now, the Angelic Earth experience is only beginning to come into crystallization (quite literally this is a “crystallizing” formation as the Earth becomes crystal-based, a high conductor of light). A few soul lights, in light body form, have pioneered this journey onto Angelic Earth and can be viewed from the Cosmic Mother Source. The Cosmic Mother is beaming her wisdom into their hearts and expanded God minds to receive the instructions for preparing the new Angelic Earth for the arrivals that will be joining these pioneers. At the moment, the Angelic Earth mission remains quietly protected as the Cosmic Mother readies the initiates and masterfully reveals the new timetable for her downloads of “feminine” awakenings. There is an intimate conversation between the Cosmic Mother and the newly arrived that will generate profound understandings about the nature of the Cosmic Mother in the universe and how she is assisting us in the co-creation of a new life source for all of humanity. The Abundance Core & Christ Bands Making our way upward into the new Angelic Earth is through the Golden Light Ray of the Golden Web of Creation. This complex of Golden Light consciousness magnetizes and strengthens the inner Christ and reveals the new Christ experience as a feminine sourced intelligence. Two new Christ functions have recently been activated that catalyze one’s frequency upgrade into the Angelic Earth. The first is the opening of the Abundance Core, a Golden Web inspired abundance operation that created an expansion of the honeycomb universal intelligence. The honeycomb design matrix is the basis of the Co-creation Matrix, where God Mind and Heart unify, and human co-creators can access the infinite possibilities reality. Part of the mission to lay the groundwork for the infinite pathways of love creation is to expand the Abundance Core, this is the field of abundance available to humanity. As so many have lived outside of this source of abundance, life on Earth has suffered in ways that do not match the resonance of God’s love and the natural laws of the universal Christ. In the past week, through the guidance of higher dimensional guardians the Abundance Core was implanted into the honeycomb Earth grid. The support of the new feminine and masculine sun and the bees anchored and opened the Abundance Core through the central energy source of the planet, which is now also mirrored in the central meridian of the evolving human. Upon the activation of the Abundance Core, new galactic information is being transmitted through a Pleidian and Lyra star system merging. These twin star systems are now releasing source code for stellar Christ Bands that rapidly re-forms the human body in preparation for Angelic Earth translocation. This is like receiving a bath in Christed Light. The information embodied in the Christ Bands will be the foundation for our new Books of Knowledge on the Angelic Earth and re-sets the galactic timetable on Earth to an Angelic-Human-DNA-coding. The entire process wipes clean the old Books of Knowledge and the mis-informed historical record of humanity. Many changes are underfoot. For those on the front lines of these transformation, my love and gratitude for your service is beyond what I can fully express. Know that you are not alone in your pioneering and that while the mission is challenging at times, we are one in our hearts and convictions. This is a moment to celebrate as the translocation into the Angelic Earth is a beautiful masterpiece. My love and heart light shines with and on you all!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:40:28 +0000

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