Angelina Jolie Criticized by Chinese Media When Promoting Her Film - TopicsExpress


Angelina Jolie Criticized by Chinese Media When Promoting Her Film In Shanghai. [] Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, Angelina Jolie said she admired Taiwanese director Ang Lee when promoting her latest film. In the interview, Jolie mentioned Lee is Taiwanese. She was then attacked by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media as a supporter of Taiwan Independence. Lets look at the following report. On June 4, Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie visited Shanghai to promote her latest film Maleficent. When asked about her favorite Chinese director, Jolie answered Ang Lee. She also said Im not sure if you consider Ang Lee to be Chinese. Hes Taiwanese but he does many Chinese-language films using many Chinese artists and actors. On June 6, the website of Global Times, a CCP official media published a short article criticizing Jolies words. The article said, Jolies interview shows she clearly regards Taiwan as separate from Mainland China. Many Chinese netizens commented on the report. Zhang Chengjue, Hong Kong writer: I think she just unthinkingly said that, and what she said is true. Actually Ang Lee is Taiwanese. Do Taiwanese and Chinese refer to the same group? The current situation is, Taiwan and Mainland China are indeed two different political regimes. The Global Times article was also forwarded by Chinese portal website 163. However, most Chinese netizens clearly disagreed with the article. The ultra nationalism advocated by the CCP failed to work. A netizen from Guangdong commented Three or four years ago, this news may have been popular; But at the moment nobody will take it seriously. This comment is on top of all the other comments as nearly 7000 clicked support for it. The next comment down came from a Zhejiang netizen, who said: Did she say anything wrong? Global Times has since deleted the article from its site, seemingly because the report had a very poor response. The original article is now only available in Googles web cache. In 2013, BBCs Chinese website published an article on why Taiwanese and Hong Kong people arent Chinese. The article said The Chinese (CCP) government always forces others to accept and follow its own values and rules. And hence they get little recognition by doing that. The point can be well summarized by the following: People from Taiwan and Hong Kong regard Mainland China the same way that Chinese regard North Korea. Zhang Chengjue: Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are all liberal societies. They certainly dont want to be suppressed like Mainland Chinese residents, who hardly live a normal life there. Chinese writer Jing Chu said the CCP had committed many crimes against Chinese residents in Southeast Asia. The CCP exporting revolution to places like Malaysia or Indonesia caused local anti-Chinese sentiment. The CCP also offered support to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, which killed off many of its own citizens. Jing Chu:Those crimes are totally without conscience. After exporting these crimes, how can Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, accept the CCP? After reporting Jolies visit to China, Global Times published another article on June 3. This revealed that Jolies fiancé, Brad Pitt just visited China after 17 years of being blocked by the CCP. Brad Pitt starred the 1997 movie Seven Years in Tibet. This film recorded the true history of the CCP military invasion of Tibet. The movie was immediately blocked by the CCP in China after its release. Director Jean-Jacques Annaud and its actors including Pitt were unable to enter Mainland China from then on. Indeed, names of many global stars can be seen on the CCPs blacklist of unwelcome individuals. The list also includes actor Richard Gere, famous for his anti-communism film Red Corner. The movie was banned in China. In 2008, Richard Gere, George Clooney and other US actors publicly boycotted the Beijing Olympics. Steven Spielberg also resigned his role as the art advisor to the Beijing Olympics. In November 2012, Elton John announced his Beijing performance was dedicated to Ai Weiwe. Ai Weiwe is a Chinese artist and an enemy of the CCP at the time. Elton John was then also strongly criticized by the Global Times. 《神韵》2014世界巡演新亮点 Source OccuWorld #Occupy #OWS #OccupyWB #OccupyIMF noworldbank #Usury #LiborGate #DIYMoney
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 05:37:34 +0000

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