Angels and Daemons Daemonolotry, Post Two – This is My - TopicsExpress


Angels and Daemons Daemonolotry, Post Two – This is My Religion *As a Daemonolator, I would like to shed a bit of light on some commonly held misconceptions and beliefs regarding Daemons; Their origin, purpose and what it means to ‘honour’ Them. (For the previous post in this series, please go to the ‘photos’ section at the top of this page, then, ‘albums’, then ‘Angels and Daemons’). I am theistic in my belief system (many Daemonolators are not), so this series of posts will reflect that philosophy. The term ‘religion’ often gets a bad rap. For me, religion is a sacred reverence and respect for the Divine; a bond between humans and the Gods that allows our energies to flow from one to another. For some, a strict ‘organizational’ flow to the transference of these energies is helpful. For many, it is a distraction. I fall in the latter category. I do not hold to the ‘initiations’ of men nor do I belong to any ordered or methodized sect. I understand the value in such systems for some, but I personally find them constrictive and controlling. Witchery is a by-product of my religion. I use magic to attain goals, initiate internal changes and influence my environment. My primary motivation is kinship with the Gods. I want to look Them in the eye and have Them look back in mine and for us both to recognize in the Other, a Friend. As in all things, Seek Your Own Truth. Veritas mea est in tenebris. Ave Lucifer! - BW ________________________ (1) “In our religion, there is no heaven or hell. Many [Daemonolators] believe in reincarnation of our own personal energies. Within the practice of Daemonolatry there are many rites. Most of them are meditative (and include prayer and mental exercises), while others incorporate magic in which requests are burnt, incenses and candles are lit representing certain aspect of the ritual’s design. Many different forms of magic are used in conjunction with our religion. This depends on the individual’s preference. We encourage a personal belief system that fulfills the needs of the practitioner. ….people misconstrue our magical practices as our religion. Magic is generally what people see on the forefront. What we gain from that practice is inner peace, positive self-image, strength and courage and a deep seated knowledge of ourselves and humanity.” very i/
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:10:50 +0000

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