Anonymous MOM G-Tube mommies - what are the pros and cons? My - TopicsExpress


Anonymous MOM G-Tube mommies - what are the pros and cons? My son, who is almost 4 was recently admitted for dehydration. I am now concerned that we are not keeping up on his fluid intake. He suffers from dysphagia (aspiration- we have to thicken his liquids); gerd (on medication that only works 60% of the time); feeding difficulties (he loves to eat- we puree everything); DD and ID; hypotonia/dystonia; constipation, just to name a few. He is non verbal and immobile. Most times we are playing a guessing game as to what is wrong with him. I dont want to do any unnecessary procedures to him when he already has to put so much effort in everything he does, however, I fear he isnt getting enough fluid to stay healthy and hydrated. He was so sick the last time, that he spent 24 hours in the PICU, just from not drinking enough, and was only sick less than 24 hours before the dehydration was enough that he had to be admitted. My concerns in tubing him: I dont want to take away his love of eating/independence. He suffers from GERD and aspiration, so they will have to take away his ability to vomit. The risk to infection having something foreign in your stomach. The inability to be sick and throw up if he needs to- the pain of dry heaves. My pros in tubing him: Ease of medications. We never have to worry about his hydration (even when sick). He is only getting bigger and will required more fluids, when we already struggle getting enough in him now. It may cure his chronic constipation issue (one less med). He refuses to drink water. Would the doctor still keep him on reflux meds? Please help me understand this procedure from a parents perspective!! Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:19:33 +0000

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