#Anonymous There is a major problem when you are living a country - TopicsExpress


#Anonymous There is a major problem when you are living a country that claims to be a democracy and the people living in the country fear their government. It is the government that is to fear its people not the other way around . This ensures that the bills and laws that are being passed are truly done with the well being of the complete population in mind. This is what ensures our personal freedoms remain intact. As many people are seeing for the first time, and what we have known for awhile our freedoms are being stripped from us at unbelievable speeds. The government passes laws that protects themselves and the interests of their biggest corporate donations and the companies that they have financial interests in as well as the world bank. Many Americans are willfully bending over and allowing their freedoms to be stripped from them under the false promise that they are only doing these things to protect them. It seems that their fear mongering campaigns of threats that terrorist are watching us and wanting to harm us have worked on some Americans. Although there is I admit allot of real threats daily against the US, we must not live our lives in fear and allow our personal freedoms to be taken away for the fear of something may happen again is ridiculous if we are to live that way then they have already won. It is time to WAKE UP!!! The government has went so far across the line that it is way past time that we stand up in civil protest for our right to our personal freedoms. If someone was following me around and watching what I am doing, reading my emails, listening to my phone calls and recording my face at every intersection everyday, I would go down to my local courthouse and get a restraining order against that person for stalking as harassment. And if it continued that would go to jail for breaking the order.That is the same thing that the government is doing everyday to all of us and for an even bigger smack in the face we are the ones paying the bill for it to be done.And right before all this came out the government was running all the anti bullying ads SERIOUSLY ? So with all that being said this is to the NSA if I find that your organization or anyone affiliated with your offices continue to ping any of my pcs or I find that any of my data from my personal pcs located in my home is being stored without my permission. I will take you straight to court for harassment, domestic terrorism, bullying , and theft. I will also encourage other Americans to stand up and do the same as well as join me in a civil protest against your actions. You are traitors to our country and to our civil personal freedoms as well as traitors against the constitution, you are the poster board child for harassment and bullying and it is time that you are held accountable. You Brag and gloat every time you take one of us to court this would turn that around. Let me see what was the statement that was made to the American public to justify all this ... Ah yea I remember " If you are not doing anything wrong it should not matter " So I am wondering if taken to court YOU would be found not guilty.... Just Sayin. You have not been invited in my life and in my home therefore if you do you are an intruder and a threat to my family and their piece of mind and their personal freedoms and right to privacy. Just as you are the same to all americans. EXPECT US. Please share this post if you agree and to help others awake and realize the seriousness of what is going on. I am working on videos and such to be posted soon In close as I have been saying in the end of my music videos for 15 years now. I would rather be hated for the person that I am than to be loved for the person that I am not. I am also working on a post against the US Striking Syria. This is a sad state of affairs as well.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 05:27:32 +0000

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