Another BEAUTIFUL day Thanks TO THE MOST HIGH! As I scroll my news - TopicsExpress


Another BEAUTIFUL day Thanks TO THE MOST HIGH! As I scroll my news feed I see alot of people talking about God do this or God do that Im so blessed etc. People quoting scriptures so called ministers, pastor etc talking about Jesus and that were living in the last DAY but all I hear is a bunch of talking no ACTION! Preachers biggest concern trying to fill their church so they can feel important and talk alot of garbage and pass the collection plate when our people in society are struggling not having a clue on knowing Thyself because their confused scared to take leadership. Our babies are suffering because their being raised by babies, our young women are EITHER lesbian or twerkers because they have no understanding of being a QUEEN knowing their place in the universe. Young men have no vision because there elders have no Vision! Either they want to be gansta, dreaming of a famous lifestyle athletes or rapper etc, having no clue or guidance to let them OVERSTAND they are KINGS rise up and take your place KNOW THYSELF! But the kicker is the government, KKK and every other organizations that truly know who we are and the POWER we truly have they aboustley LOVE it they love to see us destroy us, they Love to see that we have no UNITY they watch as we continue to kill our own through the system they design for failure! They applauded that were the only ones who not aware of their identity, nationality and birth rights has been stolen, continue to give the nigga a lil more he will become complacent he will thank God and never search for his true identity! Wake up my people time to OVERSTAND who we are, stop eating scraps from the table thinking you the shit and turn your back on your brother. The only way back to THE TOP IS UNITY! Peace and Love! € Sabir El Khalid Bey!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:09:40 +0000

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