Another Facebook fan could use your help: I was looking to get - TopicsExpress


Another Facebook fan could use your help: I was looking to get some support and/or guidance regarding type 1 diabetes and pregnancy. I am 26 years old and have been type one for nearly 20 years now and have been a pump user for over 5 years. I am currently 14 wks pregnant. I have always had pretty good control over my diabetes especially watching it closer now. My last A1c was 6.3 so not exactly what I want but not awful. Anyway, just left one of my first OB appointments and I am officially terrified. She started out by telling me that they want me to go to a high risk ultrasound specialist for my 20 wk ultrasound to confirm there is no abnormalities with my babys head, tail, or heart. Then went on to tell me about corrective surgeries are always an option if there are any heart defects. She then asked when my last EKG was. Ive never had any heart or blood pressure problems and even though I am diabetic struck me a little bit odd that she is wanting me to schedule one right away. Also wants me to do a thyroid test along with a 24 hour urine sample since I am at high risk for high blood pressure. Just wanted to reach out to other type 1 moms and see if any of this sounds normal cause so far it has done nothing but freak me out. Thank you all in advance.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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