Another Marines words on OBAMA. American Exceptionalism By - TopicsExpress


Another Marines words on OBAMA. American Exceptionalism By Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired Our Nation had come to be considered exceptional in its first century for a number of reasons. First of all, our means of separation, our war of independence, led to no King, but a carefully crafted government designed with great consideration, and founded on sound, time proven principles. Out of this founding, we have been able to reach heights no other Nation or Empire ever has, and in merely a century, not half a dozen. Our founders greatest fear was the idea a free and independent person would be so productive and thus so prosperous, their following generations would become soft, dependent, accustomed to the ease of wealth, because they knew “free and independent people” must by nature be the most productive form of culture, understanding fully, Adam Smith’s assertion people working for their own best interest will produce what they see is demanded, and meet it. The success of our Nation has been for those reasons, and we have stood “alone” in reaching these heights because of our principles. We were “exceptional”, because of our ways. Since the election of our illegal alien, we have watched either a totally irrational approach to economics, politics, and a complete abrogation of our laws, or we have watched an installed president accomplish a deliberate goal of “fundamentally changing our Nation” from the vestiges of a republic, turning the last corner to bringing it to be a dictatorial socialist nation. There have been many issues of great urgency which have been deliberately caused, but the single most pressing would seem to be the alignment of Obama with the Islamists who claim their intent to rule the world, and have fought the west primarily through terrorist attacks. While this was taking place, our political estates have all denied what “our lying eyes keep telling us”, and sworn they all have been doing their utmost to stop what seems inexorable. While Americans of all walks of life have been openly defiant and challenging this, every aspect of our polity has stood firm behind this façade of a president, and denied his entire criminal record. We have watched the Obama bow to every least man or boy in the world, and give homage to our enemies, and we’ve done almost nothing to formally confront him and demand answers. Thus empowered, Obama has gone beyond working the destruction of our nation, and imperiled others, most recently suggesting he would intervene in Syria. In throwing Egypt under the bus, he alerted the world to his intents. In unilaterally bombing a treaty ally, Libya, and then using it as a way-station for arming terrorists, he not only caused those he put there, to die, but has given Russia good cause to consider him an active enemy. The midst had been carefully balanced for decades because of the follies of Europe, and the accent of American socialists. Now, the balance is gone, and to show power, Obama drew a line in Syria’s sand completely unacceptable to Russia, Syria’s close ally. Russia was politic at first, stating Syria as their ally, and their intent to defend. With an open American Traitor for secretary of state, a long proven fool, John Kerry made the misstep of opening his mouth with the temerity of his progressive thoughts. The offhand suggesting a diplomatic possibility, Obama came out swinging, declaring our exceptional status, and doing so with belligerence. The challenge could not be ignored, and President Putin took the opportunity to “run with the ball Kerry fumbled”, and has made quite a significant political statement, and laid claim to the high ground, righteously. Obama has come out whining, and in his way, has given good cause for Mr. Putin to ridicule this fool of a boy, demonstrate Obama’s total lack of integrity, honor, skill, even understanding, and has done so using the fool’s own words. The republic we once were was a nation of exceptional people. By our action we showed the world an honorable, true Nation, capable of great things. The exceptional people, from every nation in the world, each brought something to America. While the Nation was “The People”, we stood apart. Barrack Obama has been nothing but a figurehead, and the whole world knows this. Is it so shocking that a real man, one who has stood the test of time, Vladimir Putin, would find it laughable for a mere child to pretend to dictate terms to a real leader? *********
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:12:13 +0000

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