Another Story: You shouldnt let that boy let you down, your happy - TopicsExpress


Another Story: You shouldnt let that boy let you down, your happy and you know it, even with the hardships your going through. That best friend you could always trust came back into your life, that can make you smile no matter what you go through. He even went through so much and is still here to help you and give you a smile. The one to make your music change to sad to the brightest bubbly things on your music history. That smile of joy of being able to talk to him about everything. Sometimes youll say something hurt full, but I know you mean the best for me. Your on my side, thats what you want. We fight, but thats what makes us stronger, it made us both stronger. I fell head over heels over you. Literally Im in dance and I fell when I first met you. When I met you I was dating your best friend, and you still helped me so much. We were super close, I could even tell you about my girl problems and you would listen to me. You dont get that from much guys. You were straight forward, and it was hilarious to be told “Hey your hair looks funny” and you try and fix it. Dating you at first was weird, because it was like dating my best friend with my ex right there beside me. You made me stop cutting the way I use to, and no one has been able to do that. You changed lives at this school. Being the Ricky you are, the crazy, wild, funny, talented person you are. I actually felt wanted around you, having your arms around me every second, the kissing we did. I miss that a lot actually because your the only good kisser Ive met before. You supported me all the way through. I think I would go back to you if youd take me back, and make things right. You helped me with my school work, even when I didnt just to be near me. No one has ever gone through such great ex tense just to even be near me. I always thought I just smelt good. Your handsome, and your eyes are just, their astonishing to see. Having them next to mine at points was breath taking, because I knew they were only looking for me. You are a special person, to everyone and not just me. You know things, that not everyone knows. Your words “Haha Alright Sweet Dreams Goodnight” I havent hear those words in months, and that made tears come to my eyes. Those tears that were shed for you, they still have that power to come back and light the way of our problems, and those tears shed for you and us, they can still come back and change the way we are today. What you do to me, what you do for everyone. I know this may sound weird but you were the one, the one who made those nightmares go away, those pain full memories of the past disappear. The future thoughts of us when we were older and together with our cute imaginations bringing us down that golden path just for us. Us was our future. No more Goodbyes will be for us, only Hellos and Goodnight. No more Goodbyes my dear. You took me away from reality, your imagination of us in the future was incredible. Ive never seen a firefly before, and I would love to see one with you. To have such an amazing adventure with you, and only you. I try and help you but I did what I could do best and I think I could do it. I fell in love with you when I first met you, and Im still in love with that same guy you are. Your my best friend, and no one can take that from me. Ill be that greedy little brat that will just steal you away from everyone just for me and only me. Thats what I shall do!! On the other hand I think I should share you to the world, and let you change it. Your a life saver and a life changer. Your you, and thats what we need, and dont change who you are for someone that doesnt accept you the way you are. Your amazing, your beautiful, your flucking You, and I love you.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 02:10:55 +0000

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