Another black man killed in US GORI AMERICA: In London - TopicsExpress


Another black man killed in US GORI AMERICA: In London demonstrations for American street riots (Video) Several thousand people took to London today to the streets to condemn the decision of the American jury that will judge for the murder of a police officer who killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, United States. The crowd marched through the streets of London and shout the name of the murdered Michael Brown. Most Protestants holding his hand raised in the air as a sign of surrender and shout Hands up, do not shoot! And slogans against the police. No incidents were recorded, except at one point thrown a smoke bomb. The offending citizens were first held a protest outside the US Embassy in London. Killed another black man Twenty-year De Andrea Joshua was found dead in his car and appears to be traces at the scene indicate that he deliberately shot during the riots that broke out last night in Ferguson. According to American media body of a young man was found in only a few meters away from where the police officer shot a teenager Michael Bruno in August this year. The grandmother of the murdered boy claimed that he had been killed in the riots that took place on Monday night after the decision of the jury that will judge for the murder of a police officer who was killed Brown unarmed. The police did not care, because hes black, she said. His family claims that he was a very good young man, he worked in a nearby shop and it never drugged. Two FBI agents were wounded in St. Louis Two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), were injured today when they were shot in the northern part of St. Louis, Missouri in the country, but it is not known whether the incident was linked to racial unrest which lasts for two days in and around Ferguson, occur local media. Riots in Ferguson Agents were responding to a report that one person barricaded in the house, reported local media network KSDK on its website. The same source states that agents are not severe injuries. The shooting occurred at 3:15 pm local time. More than 2,000 National Guard troops are deployed in the area of St. Louis to help the police after another night of violent protests after a court jury rejected the charges against the police officer murdered by a white man who killed unarmed dark-skinned teenager. On the second day of unrest in the United States after the decision that the police officer who killed a black teenager in Ferguson accuses, the protests have spread to over 170 cities. The hottest is the atmosphere in Ferguson, where overnight authorities sent 2,200 National Guard troops. However, it did not help to calm down the situation. Garda with gas masks and riot gear real cordon off the streets and in front of city hall there was another direct conflict with violent demonstrators who had set fire to a police vehicle. Police at the critical point mounted armored vehicles, used tear gas, and for the first time on the streets and police dogs. There was a report that anyone who is on the streets can be arrested, and in pursuit of demonstrators by the side streets assists and one helicopter. As stated policjia, arrested 44 people for various offenses, which is better situation than the day before, when the police arrested 80 persons. There are allegations that the police in the last hours trying to remove journalists from the streets, under threat of arrest. Police forces the TV crew to pack up in vans and leave certain parts Ferguson, said the reporter of the British Guardian Twitter. According to BBC, on the streets of cities across the United States thousands of people marching, and in Denver and Portland police used tear gas to disperse them. In New York, police announced that leaves room for protesters to breathe. As long as you are not violent, and while not committing the acts that create anxiety and fear, and while there is no vandalism, we will work with them to make them secure the right to demonstrate, said Police Commissioner William Bratton. CNN reports that the protests spread from coast to coast and to the people on the streets of Los Angeles, New York, Washington, Chicago and other cities, and in some there and riots, looting and clashes with police. Most problems were in Oakland, where he smashed several windows, more shops were looted, and some roads in the city are blokrani large stake. Roadblocks has at Los Angeles, where demonstrators buckets stopped traffic on one section of the highway. Police said most protesters have in front of police headquarters, but no major unrest. People are surrounded, no damage of the property, we let people to exercise their constitutional rights, said LAPD. In Minneapolis, a man car plowed into a group of demonstrators who blocked an intersection and easier to hurt a woman in Chicago, 200 members of the Association Project of black youth in the villages outside the office Rema Emanuela and plans to spend 28 hours there while in Atlanta several hundred people protested, a public address system echoes the song Fight the Power famous tail of the band Public Enemy. Otherwise, the anger of the protesters was further deepened statement officer Darren Wilson, why they riot when with 12 bullets killed eighteen African-American Michael Brown. The escalation of the conflict and rebellion in Ferguson in the city included hundreds of members of the National Guard, the demonstrators opened fire on the police - protests spread to other cities across the United States. VICTIMS The journalist and producer RT Ruptly Lorena de la Cuesta was injured during the riots in Ferguson. On her dropped a canister of tear gas. She wrote on her Twitter: People began to flee. I was completely blinded by tear gas, I put a mask and continued to shoot. For now, there is no detailed information on the status of associate RT. Earlier it was announced that the city violated another three journalists. Here comes a lot of information on the application of tear gas against people. In hospitals Ferguson announced that 13 people were hospitalized, mljđu which two with gunshot wounds. The situation in the US city of Ferguson can not soothe, and the Governor of the State of Missouri ordered to send another hundred members of the National Guard. As a reminder, an escalation of the conflict occurred after a police officer Darren Wilson, who murdered 18-year-old black person Michael Brown in August, this week acquitted. Ferguson is a city with a majority African-American population, but whites represent the ruling structure in which further leads to tensions. Demonstrators angrily reacted to the acquittal of Wilson who killed Brown. The riots raged in a substantial part of the city. According to the latest information dozen buildings during last night on fire, and more than 60 people were arrested. Despite the fact that the racial component in focus, do not participate in the protests only blacks but also many whites and other races, emphasizing solidarity, which is primarily focused against police brutality. The situation is now out of control - the police report highlights how the rebel demonstrators opened fire on the police and burning police cars. Some protesters attacked police with stones lines, while police responded with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets. On Monday, the city reached 700 members of the National Guard, but the number has now increased significantly - in the words of Governor Nixon in the region will be present 2,200. Mayor Ferguson, Caucasian James Knowles, criticized the decision of the Governor, arguing that the National Guard in the city sent too late. They arrived in time to save all of our business, said Knowles. It seems that the US government, which at the local, as the state, which at the federal level, primarily concerned with the burning, looted and vandalized property of local business, but the essence of the problem few mentions. READ THIS: USA: In Ferguson can do everything, which is forbidden in Ukraine and Serbia The murder of Michael Brown can be seen as an isolated case. Moreover, if there is some truth in the testimony of a police officer Wilson, Michael Brown was the dangerous behavior that could affect the tragic outcome. But it is no secret that young black people in the US are often victims of police brutality, often ending life under the rain of police bullets. With that in mind, Ferguson was actually drop that spilled the cup and will now be difficult to calm passions, not only in Ferguson, but throughout the United States. About the marginalization of blacks, even on the still-present racism in American society, do not speak, nor enough nor open, and blacks often try to show as problematic part of demography, prone to crime, risk behavior and the general maladjustment. Underneath it all is another debate that never really opens up, and it has nothing to do with the American economic model in which, despite the rhetoric, the chances are not equal for all. The police in Ferguson points out that for months preparing for a possible new escalation, but also admit that it is surprising vehemence with which the demonstrators headed to the streets. We remind that the riots were first erupted shortly after the murder of Brown in August, but according to Chief of Police current unrest and conflicts are significantly higher than those in August. In Ferguson, as well as in nearby towns, schools were closed, and city services. Protests are held and at the nearby St. Louis where about 1,000 people blocked the courthouse chanting Heres what resembles our democracy. Molotov cocktail attack on the building of the town hall in the Ferguson, opening fire on the police - this scene in the US are not seeing each other for many years. Probably not since major unrest in Los Angeles in 1992 when the lives of more than 50 people. Then on the street sent the National Guard and the US Army. Ferguson could even escalate further and become the epicenter of a wider conflict. The protests are no longer concentrated only against the police but takes and specific anti-regime character, and during the night is still recorded by burning the American flag by protesters. The current unrest in Ferguson shows how the US responds to internal revolt in the same way, more and more fiercely, like other countries, which is somewhat ironic considering how the US is often along political lines, for example in Ukraine, called for restraint in Clashes between protesters and police. Now the US responds by sending the National Guard and is trying to force to crush the uprising in Ferguson which broke out because of existing internal problems. (Beta, B92, Advance, TheAlexJonesChannel, RT, 492310 This article was published in the VIDEO, THE COUNCIL, Impact vest Marking the US, London, riots, racial conflicts, Ferguson. Save link permalink. 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Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:25:34 +0000

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