Another breathlessly exciting day in Pismo Beach. Yesterday, - TopicsExpress


Another breathlessly exciting day in Pismo Beach. Yesterday, Christiana Enriquez and I intervened certain death for a little baby fledging California Towhee. My pussy cat, Bean had apparently decided to make off with a rather adorable creature that spends 2 weeks in teenager-land, on the ground trying to survive and grow wings before it can take off and be safe. It is a precarious and risky situation when predators are near. Bean is no exception. After getting the baby into a box (all the while her parents where visibly and audibly upset, with constant calls for her safety), I whisked her to be checked out for fatal cat bites (cat saliva is deadly to small creatures) at the ever-awesome, Pacific Wildlife Care in Morro Bay, where she was swiftly treated and released to me to return back to her environment and folks. Upon arrival back in Pismo, the babys parents were in a complete frenzy, even their birdy neighbors got involved. I tried to explain to everyone that we HAD to get Bean INSIDE, so we can transfer the baby OUTSIDE... And of course in Bean-fashion, the whole time, Bean was determined to follow up on her failed acquisition, yet after what seemed like hours of cat herding (which Bean is #$%^& FAMOUS for) -- she was permanently delayed from success when she was absconded whilst traversing a tree. Whew. The baby was then transferred to her home adjacent to the cottage and the parents were completely elated. Best ever part: After releasing the baby, I stood still a tad to appreciate and from behind...Mama raced by my ear...and gently whispered...thanks. Grateful. for the little things.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 08:18:32 +0000

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