Another comment about Ebola: The head of the World Health - TopicsExpress


Another comment about Ebola: The head of the World Health Organization talked about Ebola: Yes, Ebola is a scary infectious disease. But the first thing you should know is that its not very contagious -- the virus isnt spread through the air via coughs or sneezes like the common cold. Its spread through frequent contact with bodily fluids and can be spread only by someone who is showing symptoms. So if theyre not feeling sick ... Many viruses can hide in the body and spread from person to person without causing any symptoms in the people it infects. Ebola isnt like that. Ebola doesnt spread before someone gets sick, Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Tuesday. Ebola does not spread ... from someone who doesnt have fever and other symptoms. Symptoms generally occur abruptly eight to 10 days after infection, though that period can range from two to 21 days. As people with the Ebola virus become sicker, they become more infectious, experts say. The virus can also spread through bodily fluids after the patient dies. And by bodily fluids, you mean? Blood, sweat, feces, vomit, semen and spit. Basically any kind of fluid that comes from the body. People in West Africa are avoiding hugs and handshakes because the virus can be spread through the sweat on someones hand. So we are trusting someone who says it can’t be spread by cough or sneeze. But it can be spread by spit and sweat. I kind of thought those were similar saliva contamination. I am still not convinced that it is not contagious until there is fever. HIV is contagious 5 years before symptoms. I cannot find any reported medical studies that prove the time patients are contagious. Who knows! I still think we do not know how many people in Africa get Ebola and not die. Probably there in Africa it is high but with modern therapy it probably is less. Mortality in Africa outbreaks have ranged from 37% to 80%. It still is a bad infection and we don’t want it here. I pray that none of the people exposed here come down with it. I wonder how many healthcare workers, who are over cautious and still getting infections, are acquiring it from foods. Their food handling sanitation is probably terrible. Do not be overly concerned about this disease at this time. Roger Knapp MD Flu clinic is going on now so get your flu shots and flu mist. I think flu mist is safe and OK if you have mild asthma and wheeze once a year or less. .
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:37:50 +0000

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