Another resolution that needs to be introduced tonight at caucus, - TopicsExpress


Another resolution that needs to be introduced tonight at caucus, teeth to censure and boot any politician elected that doesnt vote consistent with the party platform. Bring three copies and introduce the resolution. And remember that the higher the number of us who introduce a resolution the higher the chance it WILL be adopted, especially if we continue on to participate and vote in the convention (many of us will be introducing these in our precincts in Texas, join us to improve our odds): Whereas, The Republican Party of Texas is an organized society of individuals exercising their right to freely associating together to advance the principles found in our Party Platform; and Whereas, The purpose of the Primary Election and party nomination process is to select the candidate best able to represent and promote the values and principles of the Party in public office; and Whereas, Republican voters in the General Election reasonably expect the Republican candidate to represent and support the Republican Party’s values and principles; and Whereas, Certain Republican candidates and office holders have a consistent history of working against the Party’s values and principles after being elected to office; and Whereas, Voters who share the values of the Republican Party of Texas are choosing not to participate in the Party or support its candidates due to the actions of these candidates and office holders, thus causing immeasurable harm to the Party and its goals; and Whereas, Any organized society has the right not to associate with individuals causing it harm or working against its stated goals; Resolved, That we urge the delegates to the State Convention of the Republican Party of Texas to adopt a rule allowing the delegates at a State Convention, or the State Republican Executive Committee, to vote to adopt a resolution censuring a Republican office holder for cause, including but not limited to consistent actions taken in opposition to the principles of the Republican Party of Texas defined in the Preamble of the Party Platform as described in Rule 43A; allowing that such resolution of censure may include a stipulation that the named office holder be declared ineligible to seek the Republican nomination for any public office for a period of up to six (6) years; and providing for the enforcement of such declaration of ineligibility by the State Chair, all County Chairs, and the State Republican Executive Committee as appropriate. ~ Di
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 15:02:02 +0000

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