Another wreath has been delivered on behalf of our Branch, Sc - TopicsExpress


Another wreath has been delivered on behalf of our Branch, Sc 51-196 Carntyne Transport. Today we think of the families bereaved after a terrible crash which took the lives of two A9 HGV drivers, one from our stable. And I recall how they were contacted recently by Perth council asking for the roadside memorials to be cleared away. The council was wrong in my opinion. These flowers and other mementoes I think have more impact on passers by than any roadside billboard, and for me no matter how much I try passing this accident spot, your eyes are inevitably drawn to them- always in our mind. It was shame of the statistics and the visual reminder of them that bothered them. At Stirlings Workers Memorial Day I laid a wreath on behalf of all road workers but spoke of the statistics and of our workmate Alex Russell. When professional drivers survive a severe accident like this they may be unable to work again. The inevitable financial burden on families could be lessened with membership of a trade union with which comes financial cover all the way to the High Court- for the price of a pint a week. To discourage workers from claiming their bosses for e.g. unfair dismissal the Government have recently introduced legislation that will cost the employee £1200 of his own money to bring a case, probably at a time he is unemployed theguardian/money/2013/mar/23/employment-tribunals-work-and-careers. With Union membership there is no cost to the member. Further cover for professional drivers come with Unite Unions Drivercare policy which for another 95p per week is worthwhile taking out. My Grandfather used to say look after the living- the deid can look after themselves!. And one way to do that is to have the financial constraints of dealing for a survivor of a RTA- consider the legal and financial cover available above. Yes there is a cost, and that money could be used in other ways. But if the need for assistance comes about at a time of financial pressure, many lose out. Easier to pay for this cover when working- than try to find a way to pay for it when not working.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 09:01:33 +0000

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