Ansley and Tim, I heard about your story through mutual friends - TopicsExpress


Ansley and Tim, I heard about your story through mutual friends and your precious Quinn has been on my mind and in my prayers ever since. Ansley, we led worship a couple of times together at CF City Place and your voice literally brought me to tears each time! It seems like you have such an amazing support system, which is truly a blessing. You have so many people lifting you all up in prayer...offering and giving support...loving you from both near and far...covering you with scriptures and prayer. Its inspiring, really! I wont pretend to know what you are going through...what youre thinking or feeling...nobody can know that. But I did want to share some insight from someone who has been there, in a sense. Ive watched my newborn fight and struggle. Ive experienced the roller coaster that is the NICU/PICU. I know very well what ECMO is (and also of many many many babies who were successfully weaned and thrived in the years following!). I know how heartbreaking it is to see your child attached to monotonous the beeps and monitors difficult it is not being able to hold and snuggle your desperately you wish you could change places with your child. It is an exhausting journey...a life changing one. So from one unexpected hospital mommy to another....heres a bit of advice I wish I had known. 1. Remember to take care of yourself. Eat, drink, and sleep. You have to properly care for yourself so that you can properly care for Quinn! 2. Take things one day at a time. And when even that seems too daunting of a task, take things hour by hour. 3. Lean on those around you and accept help. 4. Get out of the hospital at least once a day...even if its just to find an outdoor hospital patio to drink a coffee. The sunshine can do wonders for the soul. 5. Know that you have so many people filling the gap for you! 6. And always remember that Tomorrow is a new day. Take comfort in that promise...with a new day comes new possibilities, new strength, and new light. Your family and your precious girl will be in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to reading of her progress!!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:58:52 +0000

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