Answering the Call There is a Call that is ringing. That is - TopicsExpress


Answering the Call There is a Call that is ringing. That is screaming. That is calling on us. To Rise Up. To stand in our power, our birthright of Man and Woman. Of Union in independent wholeness. Of Union of togetherness and completion. We are living in a time that is Calling on Us to Answer the Call to undo the damage of a long time. To undo the damage our own unhealed imbalances are causing onto Mother Earth. It may not be ours, or from this lifetime, yet we carry it. There is a Call. Can you hear it? It comes in divine timing. You may be ready, or you may not be. You may always have been ready or never will. It does not matter. What matters is our willingness. Are you willing to answer the Call to your Truth? To stand up in your birthright balanced Power which nor takes or gives- solely is in complete Union with all there is, which is hence able to receive and to give simultaneously and effortlessly? Perhaps it is Now- all that we have been in preparation for? What is it? I don’t know. But if You listen, you will hear: Your truth. It will whisper to you, it will show you, it will sometimes Yell at you or give you unpleasant or pleasant physical sensation to bring your attention to her. She wants to be heard. She is asking for your ear and heart- to come into direct dialogue with her. The Elements are here to support us in this. The carriers of ancient unchanging knowledge- It is here in the Mountains, in the waters that flow in oceans and river and down waterFalls. In the rocks and stones, the fertile Earth herself, in the wind that brings the ringings of the words, in the Fire that burns within and without. It is directly here in our Nature- the face of Spirit; that this never changing Truth and Knowledge resides. Can you feel it? Sshh. Listen. There is a Call. For Men to rise in their birthright power and to Return the divine power and connection to Women- the holders of the Great Mystery. The Mothers of Alchemy and Manifestation- of healing. It is time for the Women Warriors to rise up- in their birthright connection and Power of Love, of Birthing and Creating. Of Musing Man. Of Inspiring. What does this require? Your Willingness. Our Willingness. The Path of the Condor - of this continuous infinity of Birth, Death and Rebirth. Of courage to step into our true Balanced Power. Which brings us into our home of Liberated Love and Universal Friendship with All. That is the Condor for me: I am a humble friend and partner of the Andean Condor. She provides a nurturing and holding, a Doula she is to our rebirths. He provides a surgical cutting of that which needs to be attended to, removed or transformed, alchemized or incorporated. He is Powerful. He is connected to the Female Orgasm, our connection to the divine as Women. It is our Birthright as Women- our nectar, our pleasure, or Womb, our strength- it is that. Men- we need you. We Need you to Provide us with the holding and support, the protection and care for us to Rise in the most profound Love and Support for You. It is For you- our musing and inspiration, our Love is endless for you. Allow us to Be this, we need you. Do you hear the Call? And Are you willing to Answer it? You do not need to know how, or what, or when, or with whom. Willingness is all. Feb 20th-Feb 22nd, 2015. Rhode Island You are welcome, you are loved, you are safe. Brandon Qenti Burns and Eleonora Aleya of Journeys with Aleya The Hummingbird, the Honeybee, the Andean Condor.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:17:39 +0000

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