Anthony Cartalucci 14 mins · Wests Humanitarian Concern - TopicsExpress


Anthony Cartalucci 14 mins · Wests Humanitarian Concern Exposed During Ebola Outbreak The European Union and the United States pose as international humanitarians, particularly when it comes time to intervene militarily in foreign countries to disingenuously pursue their corporate-financier self-interests... They have allotted billions for invading, occupying, and reordering politically African nations like Ivory Coast, Mali, and Libya to allegedly save the people. Now there is an Ebola pandemic sweeping West Africa, either festering in or threatening to spread to nations including French-occupied Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Liberia. Where is the humanitarian invasion of medical staff, mobile hospitals, equipment and cash? We see the US and Europe trying to sell the proposal to arm, fund, train Nazi militants in Ukraine, Al Qaeda/ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq, but no army of medical staff when people truly, sincerely need outside help? If you needed any crisis to illustrate just how disingenuous the Wests intentions are around the ENTIRE planet, whether led by supposedly conservative or liberal leaders, the Ebola outbreak is it. People need help and they are not getting it. So bad is their state of preparedness that a US citizen infected with Ebola was evacuated to the US for treatment. When it was time to truly help people in need, the West pushed their deceitful, destructive agenda elsewhere and let the people rot and die...
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 09:41:57 +0000

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