Anti-Obama film producers arrested! Oscar-winning producer of - TopicsExpress


Anti-Obama film producers arrested! Oscar-winning producer of Schindlers List is adding an anti-Obama film to his résumé! The Obama administration didnt like it and his co-producer was arrested! Famous producer of“Schindlers List”, the Academy Award-winning producer Gerald Molen says the Obama administration targeted his co-producer of “2016: Obamas America who was arrested on Friday. I Never Feared My Govt Until Now -Gerald Molen Molens last big project was Tom Cruise movie: Minority Report, with Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise. He co-produced Schindlers List (1992) with Spielberg and Lustig and has spent decades supervising productions for many prominent producers like Robert Redford and Sydney Pollack. In relation to Schindlers List, Molen played a key role in setting up the Shoah Foundation, which sent videographers to record interviews with almost 52,000 Holocaust survivors. Molen conducted the 50,000th interview himself, with his Schindler co-producer Lustig, in 1999, and still chokes up talking about it. A partial list of his credits: Jurassic Park, Tootsie, Rain Man, Hook, Schindlers list, Twister, Minority Report, Ordinary People, The Color Purple, Batteries Not Included, Bright Lights, The Postman Always Rings Twice, and Big City. His partner in crime: Dinesh D’Souza, drew cheers and whistles when he mentioned the Schindler connection in a speech at last winters Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. “This film was not flattering of the president and many believe that that is why this alleged crime is being pursued -Dennis Michael Lynch, unrelated filmmaker. Who is Dinesh DSouza anyhow: One of Americas most prominent Asian-Americans. -Newsweek He was a former policy analyst in the Ronald Reagan White House and is acclaimed as truly an American success story! Now hes trying save America! He is one of Americas most articulate spokesmen for a reasoned & thoughtful conservatism. Dinesh D’Souza breaks his silence about Obama persecution! youtube/watch?v=mWy7ILxTFSM One of Americas most influential conservative thinkers -New York Times Magazine An equally brilliant and forceful defender of Christianity! -PrisonPlanet, Alex Jones One of the top public-policy makers in America” -Investors Business Daily Denish D’Souza accomplished: -Policy analyst in the Reagan White House. -President of The King’s College, NY 2010-12. -John M. Olin Fellow, American Enterprise Inst. -Robert & Karen Rishwain Fellow, Hoover Inst, Stanford Univ. He greatly affects public policy with his thrilling best selling movies! And an even longer list of New York Times best selling eye-popping books. One of Americas 500 leading authorities on international issues. -The World Affairs Council He has appeared on television programs: The Today Show, Nightline, The News Hour on PBS, The O’Reilly Factor, Moneyline, Hannity, Bill Maher, NPR’s All Things Considered, CNBC’s Kudlow Report, Lou Dobbs Tonight, and Real Time with Bill Maher. Obamas America: Unmaking the American Dream (2010) #1 New York Times bestseller. The End of Racism (1995) joined the long line of his already best selling and controversial books. This one was one of the most controversial books of the 1990s. And of course a national bestseller. The Roots of Obamas Rage (2010) was the most influential political book of 2010. Godforsaken (2010) yet again another New York Times bestseller. America (2014) Being released in movie theatres this year it will undoubtedly be the top selling documentary of all time since his other movie was the worlds #6 best selling documentary of all times and #2 best selling political documentary ever! 2016 Obamas America (2014). Second highest grossing political documentary ever! Sixth bestselling documentary ever! Surpassed the successes of An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore and also Sicko by Michael Moore. PREVIEW: Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader (1997) was not the first book written about this most beloved and famous leader but was in fact the very first book to make the case for Reagans intellectual and political importance. The Enemy at Home (2006) stirred up a furious debate both on the left and the right. National bestseller. Published again in 2008 with a new afterword by the author responding to his critics. Life After Death: The Evidence (2001) shows why the atheist critique of immortality is irrational and draws the striking conclusion that it is reasonable to believe in life after death. Whats So Great About Christianity (2008) not only intelligently explained the core doctrines of the Christian faith, it also explained how the freedom and prosperity associated with Western Civilization rest upon the foundation of biblical Christianity. So Great About America (2002) was critically acclaimed for its thoughtful patriotism. New York Times bestseller. America: Imagine A World Without Her (2014) explores the landscape of a world in which America had lost the Revolutionary War. The Virtue of Prosperity (2000) explored the social and moral implications of wealth. Illiberal Education (1991) was one of the most influential books of the 1990s! Publicized the phenomenon of political correctness in America’s colleges and universities. New York Times bestseller for 15 weeks. Letters to a Young Conservative (2003) has become a handbook for a new generation of young conservatives. I Never Feared My Govt Until Now -Gerald Molen, who produced the Academy-award winning Schindlers List also produced 2016: Obamas America for DSouza and said he would not be surprised if the arrest was politically motivated. Asked by TV host Malzberg if he ever felt threatened or had any feelings they should not have been making the film, Molen answered, No. This is America. Ive never had that feeling, adding, Ive never had the occasion to think that I had to fear my government. I never had the thought that I had reason to think I had to look over my shoulder until now. And, Molen said, he wouldnt be intimidated. He will pursue future projects. No, I wont back off, he said. Ill keep on doing exactly what Im doing. Molen and DSouza produced two movies, the latest one titled America. The theme of that film: What the world might look like if America never existed. This film was not flattering of the president and many believe that that is why this alleged crime is being pursued -Dennis Michael Lynch, unrelated filmmaker. Im a little bit taken aback by the whole thing because hes such a great American Molen said about DSouza on Newmax TVs Steve Malzberg Show. DSouza understands the process in America and how it works Molen said. Born in Mumbai, India, DSouza came to the U.S. as an exchange student and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College in 1983. DSouza loves America and wants to make it stronger, and did so, by participating in politics. Most notably in the Reagan administration, and several Universities and Colleges. And then by his books. And now his movies. And anywhere else he can actively be engaged in making America a stronger, safer, and greater nation. These endeavors and his razor-sharp wit and entertaining style have allowed D’Souza to participate in highly-publicized debates about Christianity with some of the most famous atheists and skeptics of our time. One of DSouzas favorite venues for debates and speeches has been college campuses. During the past 20 years, he has appeared at hundreds of colleges and universities, and has spoken with hundreds of thousands of students in these live settings. D’Souza’s articles have appeared in every major magazine and newspaper, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, Vanity Fair, New Republic, and National Review. Contact Information: You can contact Dinesh via email or by following him on Twitter @DineshDSouza and Facebook at https://facebook/DSouzaDinesh Please note that he is not able to respond to all emails. Stay Up To Date! Get an e-mail when there are new releases by Dinesh DSouza. Sign up for these new release announcements: I Never Feared My Govt Until Now -Gerald Molen, Award-Winning producer of Schindlers List who helped DSouza produce 2016: Obamas America. Famous producer of“Schindlers List”Academy Award-winning Gerald Molen says he spoke with Denish D’Souza on Monday who is“a little stunned that the country would turn its back on him (hed served in the government even in the White House and benefited the country in many ways politically, religiously, and academically). I Never Feared My Govt Until Now -DSouza, Producer & former Reagan Administration advisor. Molen says he never feared his government until now. His co-producer DSouza is under federal investigation for election fraud from back in 2012 that ironically hasnt suffaced until right after producing this obama bashing movie. And he like many others feel that his arrest and this probe was definitely because of the movie they produced which blatantly highlights the obama administration in a not so good way. This film was not flattering of the president and many believe that that is why this alleged crime is being pursued -Dennis Michael Lynch, unrelated filmmaker. DSouza is accused of contributing $20,000 to a political campaign in 2012, when the legal limit is $5,000. His friend Wendy Long of New York had asked him to help her run for office. He knew her chance of winning was unlikely but decided to help her out of kindness. He also promised to reimburse others if they would contribute also. Long, a Republican, ran unsuccessfully against Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in 2012 for New Yorks U.S. Senate seat. DSouzas lawyer has said his client at worst was guilty of an act of misguided friendship. All this while Obama and countless others in Obamas adminstration have recently used campaign funds illegally for a relatives wedding, and a plethora of other obscenities, while DSouza trying to be a good friend and neighbor had unwittingly overstepped the $5,000 limit when helping a friend run for Senator who DSouza knew didnt have any chance at winning anyhow. DSouza was just being a nice neighbor, friend, thinking he hadnt overstepped any valid laws. He definitely didnt think hed done anything morally or ethically wrong. And now wishes hed sought more legal guidance prior to making the donation. In fact, some say it possibly wasnt illegal and that with the proper paperwork and protocol couldve been perfectly legal. He has been aiding Americans and America for over 25 years, and then gets charged for something so ridiculous. As is he could serve 2 years and be fined while the Obama administration continues getting richer and more bold in their defiance against Congress and established laws. And imprison all of their political enemies. This is no different than Russias President Putin imprisoning all of his political opponents and business owners of businesses that Putin wanted to own; some of whom have already died in prison. The Roots of Obamas Rage is a Talmudic parsing of Obama’s Dreams From My Father, and it is premised on the idea that Obama’s entire worldview was shaped by the anticolonial sentiments of his Kenyan father, whom the president met just once after his parents split. D’Souza claims he’s qualified to make the determination because of his own childhood experience in postcolonial India, and the subtext is that Obama’s Americanness is somehow suspect or deficient. It’s an argument that puts D’Souza a half-step away from birtherism, a far-right trope that the conservative columnist George Will has exhorted his party to reject. But Molen said D’Souza had illuminated exactly what he finds so troubling about Obama’s vision for America. “Dinesh says, ‘I’m a Third World guy who’s embraced America and he’s an American guy who’s embraced the Third World,’ ” Molen told me. “Each saw the country in a different way, and one’s an American and one wasn’t, but Dinesh is a true American.” He said he particularly wanted undecided swing voters to see the movie. “For me, it’s more for the individual who is riding the fence and doesn’t really understand,” Molen said. “It doesn’t take a mental giant to see the course this country is on is a disaster.” Molen moved from Montana to Los Angeles as a child after his parents lost their farm in the wake of World War II. His father opened a café across the street from the Republic Pictures lot. “They were from old-school America, and they had this drive,” Molen said. After graduating from high school, Molen joined the Marines, and when he got out he went to work at Republic as a truck driver. In 1959, he went to Universal Pictures, where he eventually became the head of transportation before striking out on his own. Schindler’s List came up in early 1992, amid preparations for Jurassic Park. “Steven turned to me and said, ‘I’d like to do Schindler’s List,’ so I said, ‘OK, let me think about how to do this,’ ” Molen told me. He brought on Branko Lustig, a Croatian survivor of Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen who had worked as a location manager in Europe for Fiddler on the Roof and a production supervisor for Sophie’s Choice, to serve as a third producer. Molen regularly describes the experience as the most profound of his life. “Some of my Jewish friends would say it was bashert,” said Molen, who is Mormon. “The impact it had was phenomenal.” The movie opened the floodgates of memory for many survivors, and Molen played a key role in setting up the Shoah Foundation, which sent videographers to record interviews with almost 52,000 Holocaust survivors. Molen conducted the 50,000th interview himself, with his Schindler co-producer Lustig, in 1999, and still chokes up talking about it Jerry (Geralds nickname) had a deep emotional connection to it” said James Moll, one of the founding executive directors of the Shoah Foundation. “He was not just a numbers and logistics guy by any means—he definitely has a strong connection with the Holocaust survivors and keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive.” youtube/watch?v=mWy7ILxTFSM
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 04:06:25 +0000

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