Anybody out there paying attention to the events surrounding the - TopicsExpress


Anybody out there paying attention to the events surrounding the Mosque of Al Aqsa in Jerusalem? The word of God is stubborn and it shall never return unto him void.. Some facts around this spot are necessary in order for us to engage in this discourse: 1. It is the same spot where the magnifical Temple of Solomon once stood. 2. It is the most sacred and holiest place to Judaism religion. 3. It is claimed that was the same spot Abraham almost offered Isaac his Son of promise. 4. It is the 3rd scared and holiest site to the Islam religion and they also claim that their prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven. But we know what Jesus said in John 3:13. 5. It is most revered by all eschatology christians around the world. 6. The crisis is not at any other but at this spot. To the Jews there is no Israel without Jerusalem and there is no Jerusalem without the Temple. 7. Therefore it is of interest to all the inhabitants of the earth. This is the abomination of desolation spoken by prophet Daniel now standing in the holy place (where it ought not). Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 9:27. This Mosque will be destryed very soon by the Ultra Orthodox Jews that have already the plans of rebuilding the temple at an advanced stage. This is inevitable according to scripture it is imminent. And surely He is right on his way in the clouds....
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 12:08:25 +0000

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