Anyone who talks about the occupation of Palestine as something - TopicsExpress


Anyone who talks about the occupation of Palestine as something that began in 1967 is wasting air and time. All of Israel is occupied Palestine it started in 1948, all Israelis are settlers and colonizers and all Israeli cities and towns are illegal settlements. Now lets talk about getting rid of the apartheid regime and instituting a democracy that respects human rights and civil rights and the right to live of everyone that lives between the river and the sea. Time to demand unconditional release of all Palestinian prisoners, unconditional lifting of siege on Gaza and free and fair one person one vote elections. Anything short if that is a waste if time and breath. Almost 7 decades of Zionist racist apartheid is more than enough, how many more civilians does Israel need to murder before people speak up...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 16:32:47 +0000

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