Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness has never danced - TopicsExpress


Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness has never danced in the rain. Love, Dad Garth Callaghan has cancer. A bad kind of cancer. Not that theres a good kind of cancer, but some of them are worse than others. He has an 8% chance of living five more years. The chances of him seeing his daughter graduate, get married, have kiddos of her own, etc etc etc are not good. So he wrote a book. And it is AWESOMMMME. It’s not about dying. It’s about living. And loving. And teaching our kids to take life by the horns. It’s like you have no idea allllll the shit you would want to say to your kiddo if you knew you were dying, but Garth knows so he wrote it down for us all to see. And it is amazing. I was sent an early copy of this book, and I could not stop reading it. It’s full of these awesome napkin notes he puts in his daughter’s lunchbox combined with his story combined with perfect pieces of personal advice that any parent would benefit from reading. Seriously, if we all read this book, the world would be a better, happier, awesomer place. I can’t do it justice with words, so check it out. Amazon lets you look inside the book, and I’m telling you, start reading it. You won’t want to stop.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:40:41 +0000

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