Anyone whos known me for any length of time has heard me talk - TopicsExpress


Anyone whos known me for any length of time has heard me talk about Ken and Marje, my closest friend going back to 7th grade and his inimitable wife. Honorary family to my brood, and partners in countless adventures. Tragically, we lost Marje early Saturday morning, just hours after she went on the list for a lung transplant. A long time coming but a sudden decline. Ken was holding her hand when she passed. I had spent many hours in that hospital room over the past several weeks, and I witnessed such love and fortitude that Im sure Ill never forget it. But one thing I couldnt enjoy were Marjes contributions, as she had had a tracheotomy and we never got very good at reading her lips. So it was that on my last visit, the last thing my friend said to me--and this is someone with whom I regularly had 4-hour-long conversations--were the lyrics to an old TV theme song. We were playing them off YouTube just to engage her, and she became suddenly animated as she did a word-perfect lip sync of--no kidding--My Mother the Car. 60% cheese, 35% WTF, but theres a nickels worth of good stuff in there: Cause she helps me through everything I do, and Im so glad shes near. And then a horn honks (aROOgah), but still. She WAS a great help to me, and added much joy and wisdom to my life. If you never met her, all you need to know about Marje is that shed be just fine with this signoff, Dixieland and all. I will always keep her near.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:55:16 +0000

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