Apparently George Osborne owns Sterling and Darlings one trick - TopicsExpress


Apparently George Osborne owns Sterling and Darlings one trick ponying has just been a set up for the current Chancellor to ban an independent Scotland from using it. Now it becomes clear. Somehow I guess we always knew he would appear with a view to influencing the outcome of the independence vote. Of course currency has been the foundation on which the no campaign has been built and now the plan is unveiled, astonishingly after some people have already voted. In other circumstances this would be called vote rigging but never let that get in the way of higher agendas. It will of course be down to Scotland to decide but one thing is for sure, if they do vote Yes they will be ridding themselves of a government that hardly represents the best interests of most people in England let alone those north of the border. It strikes me, and this is a personal view, that (putting the currency ploy aside) Scotland will be better off in terms of national identity, sense of self-determination, pride, responsibility and hope (something Blair got rid of with his cloak and dagger government). They will also be better off in terms of standard of living, health care and education. I would perhaps suggest building a Norway-like sovereign wealth fund from the oil reserves. The UK used all that money in the 80s to fuel, well, the 80s but Scotland has a new chance. Perhaps paradoxically, they should also invest heavily in renewables to strengthen their economic fortress walls. Theres a lot of wind in the North Sea. Coming back to Osborne we must conclude that there is little sentiment or sincerity in his wish for the union to remain intact. It may of course be to do with oil taxes or one suspects that he would just prefer that the history books recorded that he at least tried to save the union, even if secretly hed rather he was King of England, just England.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:07:17 +0000

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