Apply your faith in the guru to your daily life: We should know - TopicsExpress


Apply your faith in the guru to your daily life: We should know clearly that both our favorable and unfavorable circumstances in life are essentially the manifestation of the guru’s blessings. So is of our illness. It not only reveals his great blessing, but also bears the result of what we have done in the past. No matter in what kind of uneasy situations, we shall never reduce or abandon our faith in the guru. As long as we pray to him with utter sincerity, nothing can ultimately stop us in the way. 信心也要融入生活。我們要知道,生活中的一切順境和逆境都是上師的加持,病痛也是上師的加持,同時也是我們過去種下的因所得的果。遇到違緣障礙,信心不要退轉,真心真意祈禱上師三寶,最終沒有過不去的坎。 Someone may claim, “how am I possible to develop my faith since I have never seen the Western Blissful World, Amitabha or the hells, nor known anything about my afterlife?” Admittedly, that those past masters in Kathog Monastery achieved the rainbow-right body for one hundred thousand cases may be only a story in the biographies, but here I want to tell this fact which has been witnessed by my own eyes. Just in the last year (2012), Kathog Drimed Shinkong Rinpoche who was so tall and fat that he weighed more than sixty-eight pounds made his body to reduce less than one meter only seven days after his death. Reasonably, one’s flesh can dry and shrink, but how are his bones possible to shorten too? Even scientists cannot offer a sound explanation for this fact, which instead is the very evidence of the fruits of His Dharma practice. His Holiness shows us the power of practice in which we shall arouse our firm faith, following His steps to ultimately reach His spiritual state in the future. To be continued ...(10) 有人說,我看不見西方極樂世界,沒見過阿彌陀佛,也看不見地獄,死後也不知道怎麼樣,怎麼生起信心呢?過去噶陀寺成就了十萬虹身,我們只在傳記上看到過。但去年年底,噶陀寺直美信雄仁波切圓寂了,雖然他很高很胖有三百多斤重,但是七天以後肉身卻縮小為不到一米,這是我親眼見到的。如果說身上的肉可以幹縮,可骨頭怎麼會變小呢?這個科學家都解釋不了。這就是學佛結果的證明,是修行的力量。我們要生起信心,好好向他們學習,將來也能達到這個境界。 待續... (10)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 02:08:19 +0000

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