Apr 11, 2014 22:35 Opinion by - TopicsExpress


Apr 11, 2014 22:35 Opinion by BrianReade Mirror columnist Brian Reade on the reason why outgoing Culture Secretary Maria Millers resignation letter didnt bother to mention her actual job Share Share Tweet +1 Email Reuters Good riddance: Former Culture Secretary Maria Miller drives away after leaving Parliament Maria Miller’s resignation letter ran to way past 300 words. In it, the outgoing minister penned the word “I” 11 times yet didn’t once write the one that defined why she was supposed to be in Government. Culture wasn’t in the text (although she did manage to squeeze a “cultural” past her tears of self-serving, self-pity). The lack of reference to her job was reflected in the narrative of the ­week-long saga, dominated as it was by... “How do you solve a problem like expenses, sleaze, mortgage, unreserved apology, error of judgment, Leveson, became a distraction, etc, etc?” Lost in translation was the sole reason taxpayers were giving Miller a £67,000-a-year ministerial salary on top of the £66,000 she is paid as an MP. To nurture the nation’s cultural well-being. The one question not asked when she was booted out was “How do you replace a luvvie like Maria?” Mainly because she was as visible in the arts world as a stage extra in the rear end of a panto horse. According to arts journalists, not only did Miller not care about culture, she didn’t pretend to care. Like fellow heathen Jeremy Hunt before her, she treated the job as a stepping stone to higher office, the way to prove her fitness for promotion being to slash budgets and lecture experts. She gave only one speech of note, in which she said arts funding should be based on “the economic benefits” it brings. Getty Sajid Javid Former Treasury Minister Even worse? New Culture Secretary Sajid Javid In other words, think of milking the tourists, schmoozing the corporates, and sorting out my seats for Wimbledon. Think Royal Opera House 10, West Yorkshire Playhouse nil. Not that David Cameron cared. Look who he’s made the new Culture Secretary. Sajid Javid, an investment banker whose favourite leisure activity is “taking my time over a smooth cigar,” whose only known artistic passion is Star Trek and who fervently believes in ticket touts because they “fill a gap in the market”. Now there’s a culture vulture to inspire a new generation of artistic talent. It’s all about “the market” with this mob, isn’t it? Cameron and Co leap on Oscar nominees and Olympians for photo ops and dredge up Shakespeare and Britpop to bang on about our ­creative genius. But as they slash 5% off the arts budgets, they don’t care where the next generation of actors, ­playwrights or musicians are coming from. Or rather, how much potential falls by the wayside. Recently, Julie Walters, Brian Cox, Helen Mirren and Stephen McGann have spoken about their concern at the lack of working-class actors coming through. Julie Walters at the Royal Festival Hall, London, Britain - 23 Nov 2010 Concerns: Julie Walters is among those worried about working class talent They said that when they were young, kids from council estates could attend thriving theatres, free acting workshops and get grants to go to RADA. Now, they claim, the only kids who can afford to get into acting are the rich. Hence public schoolkids like Dominic West, Damian Lewis and Benedict Cumberbatch landing all the plum roles. But we reap what we sow. If Britain wants to stymie artistic talent, elect a Prime Minister who is so paranoid about his privileged background he’ll put unsuitable ­ministers in charge of the arts, so long as they tick the gender and ethnic boxes that make him look inclusive. And those ministers will take the job and do the cuts if it gets them up the greasy pole, grabbing whatever their mitts can plunder along the way. As the Miller’s tale shows, we’ve become a nation of philistines, encouraged to worship only one culture: Greed.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 06:36:59 +0000

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