Arab states run by western/Zionist puppets TEHRAN, Aug. 10 (MNA) - TopicsExpress


Arab states run by western/Zionist puppets TEHRAN, Aug. 10 (MNA) – American author and journalist believes the only solution to the conflict in Palestine is to dismantle Israel. In an exclusive interview, Mark Glenn, American analyst and author shared his views on the situation in Gaza and the future of Israel-Palestine conflict with Mehr News. Here you can find text of the interview: Israel’s primary pretext was alleged killing of three teenage settlers by Palestinians which was never confirmed and now is almost forgotten. What do you think is Israel’s real motivation for this intensified offensive against Gaza? Could it be simply because of summer time during which ground offensive is possible for Israeli army? I will state up front that I believe the entire drama surrounding the kidnapping/murder of the 3 settlers was a Mossad/Shin Bet operation done with not only Netanyahus approval, but with his oversight, and all of it was done in order to pave the way for the bloodshed that took place in Gaza. As far as Israels motivation for it, what the world need to understand above all else is that Israel it not a normal country peopled with normal individuals. I believe the Jewish people, driven by backwards, regressive religious and cultural tendencies, are a people with deep seated psychological problems and attendant with these problems are aberrant, abnormal and unhealthy behaviors on their part, and especially when Israel is concerned. It is a fractured, psychologically unstable country full of psychologically unstable people and the only way to hold all of it together is from time to time to have a war where Israel emerges victorious. This was Netanyahus aim with the recent exercise in human sacrifice that took place known as Operation Protective Edge. The other reason for him doing it was to undercut the growing influence of his political rivals, both at home in Israel and around the world who are being made very nervous by Israels prominent role these days in wars, corruption and criminality. All the talk of boycott and sanctions have these elements on the left of the Zionist spectrum nervous and it is for this reason that they want Netanyahu to quiet down. He does not believe in this approach however, and believes instead in being loud, brash and incautious. Now that he has succeeded in the Gaza operation, he has a unified people around him--both in Israel and throughout the world, and is basically unchallengeable. The United Nations and Western countries have so far taken no measures against massacre in Gaza and have only reiterated so-called defense for Israel. How many more people should be killed for international organizations to consider it as a crime against humanity? The UN and the West are the primary creators and enablers of the Jewish State, both in the distant past and now, and this fact inhibits their being able to do anything in reigning her in. Furthermore, what we have to remember is that Israel has her spies, saboteurs and provocateurs spread throughout the entire western political and military apparatus and therefore basically has the entire west by the throat. Whether it is the threat of releasing embarrassing information about key political leaders or whether it is the threat of an economic meltdown which Israel and her cousins could easily achieve, given their entrenched positions in the western economic system, the West is terrified of the power that Israel holds over them and it is for this reason that they are unwilling/unable to do anything to bring her to heel. Most of Arab countries in the region have so far kept silent or just criticized Israel for killing civilians. On the other hand, the media recently reported that UAE officials had recently visited with and talked to Israeli officials to show Tel Aviv the green light and even fund for an attack on Gaza and Hamas. Does it seem true and would it mean some Arab countries in the region have allied with Israel? That most of the Arab countries--save Syria, of course--are run by western/Zionist puppets is not contestable. It has been this way for nearly a century. Added to this, the fact that Israel and the West have fueled this Sunni/Shia friction, and the fact that it is at least alleged that Iran is funding/supplying Hamas means that the Sunni Arab countries under the sway of Israel and the west are therefore going to adopt an adversarial stance towards Hamas. In a recent note for Haaretz, President Obama criticized Tel Aviv for failure of two-state solution and highlighted it as the only way for the two sides to reach lasting peace. How do you see this solution and is it in your opinion possible to reach a two-state agreement? The only solution for not only the Palestinians but as well for peace in the Middle East is that Israel is completely dismantled, brick by brick. She is a cancer in the region, always has been and always will be. Furthermore, the US and other western countries must be driven out as well, and at this point the only possible way I can see this happening is with the power and influence of Russia. How do you see the end of this war? How long do you think it would last? Will Hamas demands be met? Can Tel Aviv win the fight this time, while it has always failed in recent years and resistance fighters have proved to be surprisingly strong? Israel will pull out of Gaza, declare victory and live off of the spoils of that victory until sometime in the near future when Netanyahu or one of his successors needs a new war to unify this psychologically unstable entity known as the Jewish State. Why world public opinions do not react to the ongoing slaughter in Gaza? Is this the mainstream media giving a different image of the situation? I think that there is much more outrage to this than the Western media is depicting but at the same time, as far as the West is concerned, there is not much outrage for the simple reason that the west is in the pocket of Israel. In the propagandized mind of westerners, and especially those in America, Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization no different than Al Qaeda, supported by the Palestinians of Gaza, and therefore deserves all the violence Israel is perpetrating. We cannot associate the technological, military and political power of the west with a people who are intellectually enlightened. By contrast, the west, and especially America, is people by violent, unthinking individuals who have been psychologically conditioned for war and who unfortunately understand no other language. Are there any structure, procedure or whatsoever based on which common people and the public can trigger some real actions in international level? Do campaigns and movements really work? I think that the present problems involving Israel and Jewish power in general do have a solution, but it is going to be slow and complicated, given the slow and complicated nature of the implementation of this paradigm. Just as the old saying goes, that Rome was not built in a day and did not fall in a day, so too with Jerusalem. It will take a constant, patient application of facts as disseminated from powerful news outlets that will slowly re-condition the collective mind of the West in making the people therein understand the nature of the conspiracy being waged against them. We need to be in this for the long haul, as we say in America, and not expect any quick solutions. Mark Glenn is an American author and journalist in Idaho who has co-founded Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement. He regularly writes on different topics on The Ugly Truth. Interview by Hamid Reza
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:16:53 +0000

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