. Arabian horses in Egypt is the finest breed of horse in the - TopicsExpress


. Arabian horses in Egypt is the finest breed of horse in the world , brought to Egypt the late Abbas Pasha , who first became famous as the owner of the finest Taming horses after King Solomon , following his victory over the Wahhabis and the acquisition of the good of what was acquired by the Arabs of the horses . Not only do he and his commanders , but persevered to track the effects of the finest Itr and competed in the acquisition and have worked in every gal and so cheap that he decipher the families of the sons of Saud ancestral king of Hejaz current and save their lives Vsaroa Itagalon to donate Akram Ajaadehm , and on top of that he made while making three thousand pounds. the price for an old mare Saqlawia Jdranih of the tribe and a goat were some of these famous horses even organized in Mdhaa poems . It was when Abbas Pasha Spahasitblatt big in the Abbasid , and now is used for the English army , and also built the stables in Casablanca , about seventy kilometers from Egypt on the road to Suez . It was when Abbas Pasha go out there riding a ( hybrid ) , which he loved like a horse advantages equivalent to the advantages of riding. In 1860 he sold Elhamy Pasha ninety horsepower of the strike ( Telloukh ) and 210 and 180 foals Afras offer Mstraha some people from the UN and various governments , including on your Sharif of Egypt and others, by the governments of France, Austria , Italy and Germany .. Etc. . And the lack of cash in those days , it was the price of the horse seven hundred pounds and one hundred pounds for me, and two hundred and fifty pounds to two years old . Fortunately for Egypt, that the horse , which he bought on Pasha Sharif was one of the best horses and remained in Egypt and thus continued what started it , Abbas Pasha of breeding the finest Arabian horses, which is then at the top of its status when the rich Egypt who were Iktnonha to demonstrate their Mthma Bsrougha silver and gold spirit and become in the streets Egypt Alamerhokan average price of the horse , including three hundred Egyptian pounds in gold. It is known that he is not for the life of Ali Pasha Sherif long Antafonpras fame Egypt on the issue of Arabian horses . Lama Sharif Ali Pasha , he son of Mr. Muhammad Sharif , who brought him from saying Muhammad Ali Pasha large and raised him in a school Khanka with his children and the children of his aides Pashas and appointed him to the maturity of the ruler of the Arab countries , including Lebanon and the Levant . He learned to Pasha Sharif in Khanka then went to France and entered the French army and live it until he became an officer great then appointed in the Army Egypt Qomendana for Tobjeeh then Riisl Council Aelchoryomat in the rule of Abbas Pasha second and he had 80 horse and 30 horse for the strike ( Telloukh ) and he was doing in the service twenty Mmilokajrkisiaoukd helped him to his riches and the lack of cost and wages in that time to uphold Egypt in this regar
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 02:16:23 +0000

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