Ardha Matsyendrasana (variation) I love twists. This one, known - TopicsExpress


Ardha Matsyendrasana (variation) I love twists. This one, known as Half Lord of the Fishes pose, stretches the muscles of my shoulders, hips, and neck. I begin in Sukhasana, sitting towards the edge of a folded blanket. From here I lift my right knee so that the sole of my foot comes to rest on the mat. I now reach under my right knee & take hold of my left ankle, & draw my left heel a little closer to my right hip. I pause here to wiggle & make sure both of my sitting bones are making contact with earth. My right foot is gently lifted to step it over my left knee (right ankle is now on the outside of my left thigh). I take a moment to press down through the mound behind my right big toe. Again I wiggle to make sure my sitting bones are still making contact with the earth. Note: If my right hip started to rise up in order to get my right foot over my left knee, I would opt to step my right foot in front of my left shin instead. Its more important for my sitting bones to stay grounded than to be able to step my foot over my knee. Once Im settled into my foundation (sitting bones, mound behind right big toe, & outer left ankle), I take a moment to get in tune with my breath. On an inhalation I lengthen long & tall through my spine. On an exhalation I gently draw my belly towards my spine as I twist towards the right. I plant my right hand down behind me near my bum. I keep my elbow soft & rest on my fingertips. Note: Its not important to place your palm flat on the ground. Its more important to keep a long tall spine without leaning. Its also important to keep your elbow soft. A locked elbow will lock the shoulder. My left arm comes around & hugs my right knee inward. I rest my left hand on my right outer thigh. My gaze turns towards the right only as far as comfortable. Once Im settled in the pose, I return to my breath. As I inhale I lengthen. As I exhale I imagine gently drawing my organs in & around to the right. I have found my soft happy edge. As I breathe I notice places of restriction, & places of release. Into each I breathe space. When Im ready to exit the pose, I move on an inhalation & slowly unwind. My heart turns back to center. I uncross my right leg & return to Sukhasana to check in for a few moments. This time my left leg is in front to prepare for the process on the opposite side.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:38:28 +0000

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