Are these the most powerful brain nutrients ever discovered? Dr. - TopicsExpress


Are these the most powerful brain nutrients ever discovered? Dr. Russell Blaylock introduces four incredibly potent “brain boosters” that can help optimize your memory and mental functions as you get older. Dear Reader, For decades, scientists have been searching for safe, effective ways to protect the human brain against the ravages of aging — including memory loss and diminishing mental function. Now, they have identified four all-natural bioactive compounds that can do just that. Taking these nutrients can slow, halt, or even reverse age-related cognitive decline. For example: One of these “brain boosters” inhibits the formation of the enzyme MAO-B, which can contribute to cognitive impairment as we age. It also helps increase circulation in the brain — and support cells in the hippocampus. The second brain booster may improve higher-order cognitive processes such as learning and memory. In a three-month study published in Psychopharmacology, subjects taking this herbal extract had significantly improved speed of visual information processing, learning rate, and memory. Brain booster #3 is a plant extract derived from Chinese club moss. It works by improving the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse. Brain booster #4 may help restore receptors on brain cells. These receptors permit neurotransmitters to communicate with neurons. Now in a free video presentation, you’ll discover steps you can take to turn back the clock … improve your memory … and keep your mind sharp as a tack into your 70s, 80s, and beyond. You’ll also learn the details on all four “brain boosters” — and see the fascinating research supporting their ability to optimize brain health. After taking these four critical brain nutrients … and following the other advice in the video … your recall will improve. You won’t become confused. You’ll think faster on your feet. And you’ll feel mentally sharper and more alert. To watch the free video, click below now: Yours in Great Health, Ryan Clement Health Director, Medix Health P.S. In this short video, Dr. Russell Blaylock, a nationally recognized, board-certified M.D. with 26 years of experience in neurosurgery, offers 15 quick and easy tips you can use to maintain your brain in optimal condition. To get Dr. Blaylock’s brain-strengthening advice,
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 14:08:16 +0000

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