Are you one of those who considered the action of the Honorable - TopicsExpress


Are you one of those who considered the action of the Honorable Members of the APC scaling the fence to gain access to the hallowed Green Chamber, an uncivil act? My friends, SHUT UP there! In a state of lawlessness, obeying the law is a crime! The Presidents lackey who was appointed as Police Boss unilaterally abused his office and usurped the functions of the Judiciary and with impunity withdrew all the security details attached to the Number 4 Citizen of this nation. He did not stopped there! He desecrated the 3rd arm of government by ordering his goons to shut out the opposition lawmakers from gaining entrance into their chamber. Acting on the orders of the powers that be, the police shoots tear gas in the face of the No 4 Citizen and the Otuokean shuts down the Parliament in classic dictator style and you blame the one who had to scale the fence to reach his own office..... What on earth are Jonathanians talking? I endorse the recourse to self help by the Honorable Members of the APC who stood their grounds and resisted impunity at the risk of being hacked down by state sponsored terrorists wielding guns bought with hard earned taxes by the payers of taxes! The Nigerian Police stands condemned and their partisan disposition was fully visible to the blind and audible to the deaf! In a state of lawlessness, obeying the law is a greater act of impunity! No wonder the House threw away the request by Jonathan to extend the useless state of emergency in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe state that has NOT yielded any visible results! The bigger picture was the plot to impeach Speaker Aminu Tambuwal by shutting him out of the Chamber and in his absence with other APC lawmakers, have a kangaroo impeachment by the less than 2/3rd majority of zombie PDP Parliamentarians. Have anyone wonder why the Deputy Speaker was allowed access into the Chamber? Now listen up and listen real good! If Speaker Aminu Tambuwal was from the South East, his brothers would have sold him for 30 pieces of silver, just as Judas betrayed Jesus Christ. Get this into your calcified medulla oblongata, Tambuwal is going NO WHERE! He remains Speaker of the House of Representative and like the Rock of Gibraltar which cannot be removed, Tambuwal dey KAMPE! The young Turks in the House of Representative from the APC who resisted impunity and scaled the fence to gain access into the desecrated hallowed chambers are the heroes of yesterdays show of shame orchestrated by the Presidency!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:56:09 +0000

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