Are you ready for the biggest and longest depression in human - TopicsExpress


Are you ready for the biggest and longest depression in human history along with hyper inflation - chances are no - what are you doing today to survive in these coming times which are ready to set the worlds economies back to the dark ages and can you profit by it? Let me explain... First off open up your wallet or purse and empty all the credit cards and money you have onto the table, next if you have any financial papers like lines of credit, mortgages, stocks, bonds, etc, toss them into the pile now. Chances are the homeless pauper sitting on a heating vent begging for a few coins is in fact richer than you if you were to add up all your debts and take away your assets. But what if those assets were even worth considerably less or totally worthless in the future - all you would have would be debts - that homeless pauper at least has a few coins. I am not going to explain to you how money is created or how it works - look it up yourself, but what I will state is money is not really an asset - it is just another form of debt issued by the state. During the 1990s we had the dot-com bubble, then we had the housing bubble, and now we are entering the petroleum bubble, which when it bursts will bring down all the nations of the world. Tar sands are only economically viable when oil is worth a nominal value, same with fracking. The OPEC nations lead by the Saudis and the misguided west lead by the United States are trying to resurrect the cold war by bringing down Russia. By lowering the price of oil they are succeeding as the Russian economy is faltering, but instead of capitulating to the west and OPEC, the Russians have joined forces with the Chinese and are bypassing the worlds reserve currency the US dollar. To apply even more pressure, the US and OPEC are lowering the price even further, now not only is it hurting Russia, but the oil Fracking industry too. Not satisfied with a partial victory, these government lunatics are bent on lowering the price of oil even further, and soon oil sand and off shore drilling will not be economically viable, but in doing so, they will have pushed the fragile world economy off the cliff. Just yesterday the Bank of Canada announced it was lowering the prime rate to 0.75% due to lowering inflation as a result of lower gas prices - question - what will happen at $30 a barrel oil - will the governments prime rate be 0%, what about at $20 a barrel oil will prime be negative - in other words you will owe the government money for the right to use money - think about it - impossible - no - just look to Cyprus, Greece, Spain etc. Too big to Fail - wait until the governments and banks just seize any money you have to bale themselves out. Now do you see where I am coming from. So what is the bottom line - just get out of debt, cut up those credit cards and pay them off, get rid of loans and lines of credit or at least restructure them, as the worlds economies will crash this year. Think I am Chicken Little yelling the sky is falling - well go and do the math yourself !
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:59:25 +0000

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