Around about 2002, after NYC went through 9/11/01; Bishop Hezekiah - TopicsExpress


Around about 2002, after NYC went through 9/11/01; Bishop Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship allowed God to use them to minster a message of blessings, hope; and restoration at NYs Radio City Music Hall in midtown Manhattan. My Brother Dwayne Gott (Barmeek) played on some songs, and Reggie Parker ministered on a funky remake of Anyway You Bless Me (Ill Be Satisfied). Powerful lyrics that ministered; any way You bless me, Ill be satisfied; wipe the tears from my eyes, and put joy inside. Any way You bless me I wont complain, the power of Your Spirit said it would ease the pain, any way.....On this morning I plan to minister from Matthew 15:21-28,ANY WAY YOU BLESS ME; where a Phoenician (Greek) woman came to Jesus to seek help for her Demon possessed daughter. I dont know about anybody else, but I personally have some areas I need Jesus to deliver, to fix; to bless. If Jesus Cant Fix It..... First, I notice the REASON SHE CAME: Concerned about her child, and in desperate need of help. We all need to be concerned with someone other than ourselves. I also see the REASON SHE CRIED: frantic, heartbroken; she needed Jesus attention. Also I noticed the REASON SHE CALLED: Mark 7:25s account of same text says she HEARD OF HIM. Yes, thats why its so important to heed Psalms 107:2: Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So,,,. We need to let others see what God has delivered us from, so they can have hope that if He did it before, He can do it again. Maybe she heard of how His Disciples were in the ship, and Jesus spoke a Word, and calmed the Storm. Or, maybe she heard of the Demon possessed man from the Gaderenes, who had Legions (multiple) Spirits possessing him, and she may have figured if He cured one man of Many, surely He can heal my child of One! She was determined to be delivered, and to go from cursed to cured. But How? How can I be blessed? How can I first be delivered? Point #1: Prayer (Matt 15:21,22). But before she cried out (prayer), she first entered His presence. (Where two or three are assembled in My name; there I shall be), No it wasnt by watching an Evangelist on T.V., or listening on the radio; it was by being in His presence. Point#2: Persistence. We must understand the personality of Jesus. He answered not a word. Jesus reacted the same in the ship, and with the Womans accusers who caught her in the act, and other times. And we must learn like the Disciples, its not about US (she crieth after US); its about JesUS!. In verse 25, when she was denied; she worshipped! The Result? Point #3: The Power of Jesus. No matter what our reputation is, what weve done, or even what weve been called; FAITH can elevate us! She went from a dog, to a woman of great faith. In some of their dilemmas the Disciples were told they had little faith; but this Woman previously despised had GREAT faith! Our past doesnt have to dictate our future. Just because we are called a dog doesnt mean we have to bark! Oh, and she mentioned even the dogs eat from the crumbs that fall from the Masters table.....Even if He blesses me under the table.....ANY WAY YOU BLESS ME, LORD; ILL BE SATISFIED!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 07:53:02 +0000

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