As I arose in prayer this Saturday morning (June 27th, 2014), I - TopicsExpress


As I arose in prayer this Saturday morning (June 27th, 2014), I strongly sensed the passing of an old order, and a new season arising - Church Age to Kingdom Age. We are entering the time of the Book of Revelation (the part John saw coming). Many sense an awakening within themselves, like a second coming. Men and women who have walked with Christ for many years are sensing His presence within as never before. A previous unattainable purity and oneness has come (without the merits of man). The Book of Revelation is suddenly opening up! Christ is coming into His Body. His presence is tangible. Could it be that this forming Body, inextricably connected to the Head, is a form of the second coming of Christ? Could it be that the many Divine Connections now taking place (not bound by geography) ARE THE BODY FORMING? The dry bones coming together? I am prompted to believe that our previous attempts to Gather as a Body were as with other aspects of our progressive growth in God - an attempt that was more flesh than spirit. Why? Ishmael seemingly always precedes Isaac. However, perhaps the internet is a tool of genuine connection (for His purpose), that will one day launch a Gathering of Woodstock proportion. A Gathering of the true Church, His true Body, who will cry out in earnest expectation for the Kingdoms presence on earth! This is not a local occurrence, but rather a worldwide phenomenon. Perhaps Pentecost lacks the ‘spiritual’ energy that only Tabernacles can produce (the transformative enabling power to change us within). A first fruits company purified by fire is sensing a work within that ONLY God can perform. Idols falling, hearing clear, purpose released for just such a time as this! The fullness of Tabernacles is a form of completeness; one that was unattainable during any other spiritual era. There is no mixture in this move. It isn’t God and man; it is just God! No man can stop this inevitable time and ultimate move of God, though many with the heart of Saul DENOUNCE it as heresy and man contrived. The vast numbers flowing in this ‘River of Life’ should be evidence enough for even the gravest of religious skeptics. To them I say, COME ON IN, THE WATER IS FINE! shared by Lighthouse Prophecy Clay Sikes
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:44:04 +0000

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