As I lie here with Grace...I wonder what impact I will leave on - TopicsExpress


As I lie here with Grace...I wonder what impact I will leave on her (their) lives? I miss my mama with every breath in me.People will never begin to know the depth of the love I have for her.I call her mama...not to offend but because that was the bond we shared...from a very little age she took me in and cared for me....always, I cant remember a time she didnt.Every time we came down to Washington as a child youd quickly find me with her.I can remember coming back to Toppenish as a teen and watching her in the morning put her make up on...boy! she would go into depth on how to lol...and nights were all about! How I love her! In every essence of the word she was my mom. Her void is greatly felt. I miss joking around with her.....I simply miss her she was my heart and soul...its very hard to except the fact I cant see her.Even when she moved to Phoenix (for awhile there) if I wanted to see her all I did was get in the car and go see her for a few days and if that wasnt enough Id come back and take my girls for a week or so....and now no matter how badly I want to see or hear her I cant... ..I reflect on all the things she taught me.....but the one I hold on to the most is her love...why God took her and my dad I will never understand.But I know that God Blessed me with dad and ways noone knows....or will soul at times is so heavy just wanting to go run into their arms....I thank God for loving me sooo much and blessing me with her and my dad too! I love you so much mama...and everyday I will try my best.....its truly hard....I cry alot.I remember as a young girl going on walks with you.I used to have to run to catch up to you! (nurses) lol...and youd push me too...but as the years progressed it was you who had trouble catching up with was hard seeing that...although I knew your body was getting tired I dont think I ever seen you weak.You were a fighter.I never imagined life without you.I didnt think it was possible.I remember you asking what I would do without you :( and honestly I still dont know...all I know is I love you soooo much! You have no idea the impact that your love had in my life....between you,dad and my babies I am immensely rich! :* I yearn for a hug from you...I miss going home.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 10:22:31 +0000

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