As Salaam Alaikum (Peace Unto You) Family May this day find all - TopicsExpress


As Salaam Alaikum (Peace Unto You) Family May this day find all of you in good health, spirit, and in the favor of Allah (God/Dios). My wife (Sister Dora Muhammad) and I are grateful to all the well wishes on this 1st day of August which is the 60th Year Benchmark of my physical presence here on earth and the 40th Year Benchmark of my Spiritual Awakening to the teachings, and program of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Brother Minister Louis Farrakhan. According to scripture a man/woman does not reach true maturity until their 40th Year. I thank Allah (God/Dios) for each and every one of you who have shared space and time with me whereas for every person you meet you learn something new just by having met them and from every thing you do you learn something new from just having done it. I invite each and everyone of you to the Salaam Restaurant on Thursday, August 14th at 6:00 pm for our Nation of Islam Elite 50 Plus Elders honor Youth Buffet where we are having a sit-down buffet with our youth to offer them our help and guidance in a festive atmosphere. Brother Lawrence T. will honor us with entertainment with everything from old school to Happy. Although we dont necessarily celebrate birthdays, it is always good to recognize benchmarks. Thanks again for your recognition.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:13:40 +0000

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