As a GROUP WE tend to Pay Attention to the Spectacular, and IGNORE - TopicsExpress


As a GROUP WE tend to Pay Attention to the Spectacular, and IGNORE the IMPORTANT! What is TRULY a shame is that it is OUR enemy that DETERMINES for US the Difference! The cycle of social (networking) engineering and media manipulation is non-stop. Facebook, YouTube, Text-messaging...etc. Has caused TOO many of US to get wrapped up in microwave thought and Pop-tart reactions. Facebook and other forms of this just add water form of media and information are producing and then destroying relationships (agreements) via a faulty understanding and a lack of critical and logical thinking. Our ability to share OUR thoughts so FAST has prevented US from being able to THINK into that which WE see and hear from moment to moment. As fast as WE take in information, is as fast as WE REACT to it. Because WE are assaulted or confronted with SO much information moment to moment....WE do NOT have the TIME nor OPPORTUNITY to truly process what it is that WE are seeing and/or hearing. The mere fact that there is a LIKE button and a DELETE button....but not a THINK button proves that WE are a on-to the NEXT one type society. Sites like facebook contain a great deal of value in terms of networking and communicating with those outside your immediate circle; but sites like this also magnify and manifest the reactive tendencies of men and women who too many times have suspended logical reasoning and rational thought because they have seen or heard something that they do not LIKE. The question is then, how is it possible to actually not LIKE what one does NOT truly understand? And how can one TRULY UNDERSTAND...if one does not take out the TIME to Deliberately THINK? Many times what one says that they do NOT like, is in fact that which one does NOT understand. If you dont understand, then what you dont LIKE is not what you have read or what you have heard or is what you believe or think you have heard or seen. The many nuances of human thought and interaction is not welcomed on facebook; (PROOF) before one thought can be read, processed, digested and then responded comes more comments and thoughts from others reacting to and making more complex the original post, picture, or video. There is a cycle of HURRY UP and post before somebody else does. Because while you are writing your post, several more posts may come and make yours irrelevant, or switch up the entire direction and intent of the thread. A Nation (Black People) that is in the emotional and intellectual condition that it is....does NOT need any more tools or toys that will exacerbate the tensions of OUR lack of UNITY and piss poor ability to effectively communicate with each other. The shape of OUR people is one that requires deliberate thought and effort delivered through proper and effective communication. It is in my opinion that, although there has definitely emerged some good from these social sites and emerging social tools and toys...the IMPORTANT thing to NOTICE is that the sites have given too many of US more reasons not to LIKE each other and more reasons to DELETE each other in REAL LIFE! Facebook and emerging social technologies have created a force within OUR community that has reduced sanity and OUR ability to think effectively. WE will video a fight BEFORE WE break it up! WE will take a personal rift between family to OUR facebook page BEFORE WE call each other and squash it! WE will start a facebook slander and boycott campaign based upon OUR feelings being hurt BEFORE WE begin a campaign to gain clarity and understanding! WE will by-pass established courtship procedures and proper Male and Female interaction between two people who are attracted to one another BEFORE WE get to know one another beyond inbox dialogue! WE will click through pictures and read through comments to determine the VALUE and VIRTUE of one another BEFORE WE actually attempt to know a person! WE will share private information with the world BEFORE WE introduce OURSELVES to OUR next door neighbors! WE will experience pain and depression due to the perceived attack to OUR esteem because someone disagreed with US or failed to like OUR post BEFORE WE concern OURSELVES with the true condition of OUR people. Facebook as well as other social sites have allowed one time friends, comrades, and associates to become opponents, adversaries, and even enemies because there has been a social site etiquette or proper decorum breach along the line. An already splintered and divided people have exacerbated their differences via newly constructed facebook groups, pages, and digital cliques...get kicked out?? Okay...just create a NEW group comprised of people who agree with you.....for the moment! Facebook is a playground that allows for split personalities, false personalities, made up personalities, serious personalities, playful personalities, and confused personalities to interact within one forum where for the most part deliberate thought and reason is at recess. The gumbo like interaction of various personalities here on facebook is extremely problematic because there are people here that are here for various reasons and motives. These people have the ability to effect/affect the thread of interaction by contaminating it with their individual motives and social media expectations. What this means is that serious thought and effort can be high-jacked by Bull shyt! If WE fail to take a considerable amount of time to thoughtfully consider (pay attention) what it is that WE are seeing and hearing, this powerful medium of potential good, will be squandered into another tool or device that highlights to the world the Black Nations severe family dysfunction and continued commitment to pettiness and superficial thought, effort, and activity! The basic question is this....Why are YOU on facebook? For it is your REASON and PURPOSE for being here, that will make clear your motives behind what you post and comment on! I personally have no desire nor need to operate below the expectation of building a Nation and producing alliances of serious minded people who desire to change the world via the condition of Black People. If you do not have this expectation, please do not take it personal...just take it somewhere ELSE! Peace!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:48:14 +0000

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